Here are some highlights from the new interview with Team Ninja’s Fumihiko Yasuda:
We put in Sigma for Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 simply because they are the final versions.
As for Ninja Gaiden Black and the original Ninja Gaiden 2, only pieces of their original data were still intact, and we couldn’t salvage them either. That’s also the reason why we chose Sigma.
There is Hero Mode in Sigma 1 and Sigma 2, so I feel like even those who are not good at action games can also clear them.
We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.
We prepared Version D because we thought Switch users wouldn’t like grotesque that much.
Online gameplay is not supported due to our development schedule and business side.
The strength levels of the weaker characters like Rachel, Ayane, and Momiji stay as-is.
Onlinea nema jer su lijena u škrta gamad.
Smanjili su težinu coop misija da ih može prijeć 1 igrač solo.
Aaaaajde da i to vidim 🙂