maverick mix, tu dolazimo do problema, jer je ovo komotno moglo biti u main igri, ovo je primjer uzimanja love u ovom tvom primjeru Bloodbornea. Koliko to traje? cca 4 do 5h dodatnog sadrzaja?
The Old Hunters is an expansion DLC for Bloodborne
Sto se tice Valhalle radi se o dvijema velikim ekspanzijama i novim mapama, pricama i dogadajima:
Ubisoft has detailed the Assassin's Creed Valhalla season pass, which includes two large expansions set within Ireland and France.
The first, Wrath of the Druids, is due spring 2021 and sees you tracking druids, exploring Gaelic myths and delving into Irish history and folklore.
The second, The Siege of Paris, arrives summer 2021 and chronicles a key moment in Viking history while concluding the legacy of Eivor's clan.