Osim sto je FF7 OG i dalje igra svih vremena. Mijenjam je za sve druge odmah i bez da trepnem.
JRPG igre
Ali pazi ove rasprave:
"Joj, da igram FF7,8 i 9 na svom Switchu, PCu ili PS4..."
Tesko vam je momci, stvarno tesko.
Slažem se, sedmicu nisam igrao na PS4, ali FF8 i FF9 remasteri su strašno loše odrađeni i radije igram PS1 verzije unatoč manjku speed moda.
Likovi su ok ali pozadine su mutne ko vrag iman osjecaj da san slip
Molin te ne spiminji PC kao nesto za gaming
wolf ako si odigrao remake ff7 vjerujem da ti je postao jasno zasto petnajstica ne valja... Jrpg u kojem ne mozes razumjeti pricu i sa losim sustavom borbe?! To je losa igra
Crnipetarpogani Jrpg u kojem ne mozes razumjeti pricu
To je losa igra
Slazem se. Tako je meni sa DQ11.
Pozadine i jesu sam problem i ne zamislivo mi je kako su uopče tako i pustili igre u prodaju i još ih nazvali Remastered verzijama. Bolje da su portali PS1 verzije i ubacili trofeje i to je to.
Ovo je neki Fire Emblem, jelda? Ali koji ako itko zna?
- Uređivano
Prva slika je Fire emblem za gba, inace je burning blade, ali mi nismo dobili nastavak na ime jer je to prvi izdan na zapadu.
Druga slika je sacred stones
sanzo thanx man! Samo zbog ovakve naracije mi se totalno igra.
- Uređivano
Welcome to the world of Japanese Role-Playing Games!
Video role-playing games, adapted for computers from their pen-and-paper forebears, have been around since the earliest days of digital gaming. Despite initial similarities to Western games, Japan’s output began diverging in dramatic ways, inspired by its own culture and art, producing a style of game that’s often wildly different from its Western counterpart. From Dragon Quest to Final Fantasy, from Megami Tensei to Pokémon, A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games explores the expansive history of Japanese role-playing games, beginning on 8-bit microcomputers, and following them all the way up to the heavy hitters of the modern era.
Created in collaboration with author Kurt Kalata, A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games is an ambitious project that aims to cover the entire history of Japanese role-playing games from 1982 to 2020. As well as reviews of over 600 games, covering a wide range of sub-genres, including strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem, Rogue-likes such as Mystery Dungeon, and first-person dungeon crawlers like Etrian Odyssey, it includes articles on the genre, its music and art. Overall, the book weighs in at over 370,000 words and contains contributions from a wide selection of fans and journalists, combining to create the ultimate coffee table book on Japanese role-playing games.
A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games is 652 pages in length (our largest book to date) and comes in hardback as standard. The cover features a specially created piece of artwork by Stephanie Sybydlo, which is finished with special pantone inks and metallic silver foil details. Each divider within the book also features a specially created ‘overworld map’ by the guys at Army of Trolls. As with all our books, we use thread-sewn binding for extra durability and print lithographically on high-quality paper to showcase the gorgeous visuals as they deserve.
Ako imaš priliku odigraj Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance na GameCube-u. Pruža vrlo visok fantasy narativ sa kvalitetnom karakterizacijom likova, zanimljivom i kvalitetnom pričom i visokom igrivošču. Odigrao sam igru nekih 8 puta i opet bi ju iznova mogao igrati.
Slažem se, najbolji nastavak u serijalu, ali ni ove gba igre nisu daleko iza, pogotovo prva.