Fico wooddiebone na Intelu je još uvijek očajna E tu ti je problem. buz Čekaj do 2022. Igra je grafički debelo u novoj generaciji i nećeš osjetiti zastarjelost u igri, osim ako se u idućih godinu dana dogodi neka neviđena revolucija u igrama, u što čisto sumnjam.
DarkPunisher Meni je zao sta nisam vratio igru u sanctu nego sacuvo za kasnije, znaci i da ju poprave tam za pola godine prosla me volja jednostavno..
maverick DarkPunisher znaci i da ju poprave tam za pola godine ...biti ce zastarjela i izgubiti ce magiju.
Fico Zero Znalo se čim su predstavili plan do 2022. Ima tu još puno posla. Od novog materijala pa do popravka starog. Srećom, za sad novi materijal izgleda kao jednostavni dodaci pa se nadam da neće raditi puno problema ekipi.
Deadwalker weky i ja mislim da je fejk, no s druge strane ne bi me čudio takav bug koliko su izmjena napravili s tim patchom.
Deadwalker If you were waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 to be fixed before playing it… keep waiting Cyberpunk 2077's 1.2 patch, released earlier this week, weighs in at 33GB and includes nearly 500 fixes for the PC version of the game. That's a hefty patch, and it contains tons of important fixes for quests, gameplay systems, and the many, many, many bugs Cyberpunk 2077 shipped with. Despite the surprisingly long list of fixes and tweaks, the experience post-patch is ultimately about the same. After playing a couple hours with the 1.2 patch, I can't say I really noticed much of a difference. Yes, the patch made it so cops and police drones spawn a bit further away when you commit a crime, but that doesn't really make their response feel any less ridiculous, especially when you're in a remote area with hardly anyone around and can see them blip into the world. And despite the swarms of teleporting police, they're still incredibly easy to evade because they give up the moment you're out of sight and never jump into cars to pursue you. Post-patch, I still get the bug where I'm suddenly thrown hundreds of meters away from the spot I was standing. I still regularly see NPCs floating in the air. I still see those ridiculous 2D cars that are supposed to simulate traffic at a distance, and I still see them in places where there's no need to simulate traffic at a distance. I still can't get the second part of the vending machine quest to kick off, despite the quest marker pointing me to the spot I need to go to kick it off. I don't have any mod conflicts, either—this is a completely clean install of the patched game. It's just still heavily broken. Sumnjam da se ova igra uopće može popraviti.
prayer Deadwalker Ma sve se može popraviti, no igra je daleko od neigrivog stanja. Ako sam ju ja mogao preći bez svih tih silnih patcheva i još k tome uživao u njoj, mogu u drugi. Bilo je tehnički i puno gori igara pa se opet igralo! 💪