Zero Jun 10, 2014 — We did it!
Yesterday was a huge day with the announcement of GTA V for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC -- coming this Fall!
I’m really glad Rockstar has made the effort to cater to the PC community and 728,000 fans who signed my petition on
I'm really excited to see how the game has improved from the console versions and what mod developers can do to the game!
Thank you everyone!
Znam da sam citao o tome... zato sam i napisao "mislim".
Nexus ma razumijem to da oni nece nista izgubit, ali je krivo pisati o tome da je prodaja na PCu problem. Ako gledamo pojedinacne rezultate po platformama onda je PC jaci od Onea, a da je istodobno igra izasla i na PCu u vrijeme PS3 i 360 verzije ta brojka bi bila i veca.
Sto se tice RDRa, mislim da to nikad nece izaci na PC, pa ni ovaj drugi nastavak.