Evo uzeo sam skriptu uncharteda 1 i izbacio sve dialoge, možeš slobodno objasnit ljudima dubinu karakterizacije likova na primjeru monologa, šala i komentara kroz gameplay, pogotovo za sve likove osim Drakea koji nemaju ni jednu jedinu liniju teksta. Primjetit ćeš da nije bilo puno posla i da sav tekst lagano stane u jedan forumski post. Ovako možda dobiješ priliku vidjet tekst igre koju ne vjerujem da si ikad odigrao, ali uporno objašnjavaš ljudima koji jesu sve o njoj. Ako tvrdiš da ni jedan lik nije bio okarakteriziran u prvoj igri i da su svi bili klišejasti i neupečatljivi do neke sljedeće kad su dobili te duboke monologe, možemo ovako proć i ostale.
Uz to volio bih da nađeš i primjer nečega gde sam napisao da je nešto zadnje smeće. Mislim da čak ni pojam ultra kvaliteta ne koristim baš, tako da se malo osjećam nepošteno prozvan. Moguće da si me zamijenio s nekim, možda se nekim likom iz nordijske mitologije koju redovito proučavaš 🙂
Nathan Drake: Ah, strangers trying to kill me, leave my map on a burning plane; Elena's missing, most likely dead. That's great. Great start Nate.
Nathan Drake: What's this?
Nathan Drake: Here they come.
Nathan Drake: Well, that's weird.
Nathan Drake: Cheery.
Nathan Drake: Whoa!
Nathan Drake: Bingo!
Nathan Drake: Excuse me. Pardon me.
Nathan Drake: Oh man.
Nathan Drake: Doesn't look good
Nathan Drake: Whoa. Okay.
Nathan Drake: Sweet.
Nathan Drake: Oh no, Elena.
Nathan Drake: Whoa.
Nathan Drake: Oh! Better watch where I'm going.
Nathan Drake: Hang on, Elena.
Nathan Drake: Oh, jeez.
Nathan Drake: You have to be kidding.
Nathan Drake: Eyes ahead, don't look down.
Nathan Drake: Ah, thank you God.
Nathan Drake: Oh, you can't be serious.
Nathan Drake: Oh god, wasn't I just out here?
Nathan Drake: Ah, gonna have to bust through that window.
Nathan Drake: Alright, alright, it'll hold me...
Nathan Drake: No sign of her... that's either very good, or very bad.
Nathan Drake: Jesus, Elena, where are you?
Nathan Drake: Huh, wait a minute...
Nathan Drake: Now what's so important about that tower?
Nathan Drake: Whoa! Son of a bitch!
Nathan Drake: Aha. What's this?
Nathan Drake: Same symbol, but what's that got to do with the tower?
Nathan Drake: Oh no, oh no no no no no no no no!
Nathan Drake: Yuck. Excuse me. Thank you.
Nathan Drake: Hm. No. (chuckles) All right.
Nathan Drake: Where the hell is she?
Nathan Drake: Hmm... these aren't Spanish, they're English.
Nathan Drake: Whoa.
Nathan Drake: Fletcher, we have gone to the great tower. I pray that you'll meet us there. Francis Drake. Wow... So you made it, but what were you plotting?
Nathan Drake: That must be Drake's tower.
Nathan Drake: Where'd she go?
Nathan Drake: This must've been Drake's...
Nathan Drake: So what were you looking for, hm?
Nathan Drake: Okay. Land of the dead. Here we go.
Nathan Drake: Wait, there's something about this...
Nathan Drake: Bet I can guess where this leads. How do I get it open?
Nathan Drake: Two bells resound in perfect harmony.
Nathan Drake: Ehh, I'm not doing something right.
Nathan Drake: Yeah, all right!
Nathan Drake: We got all the clues, right here. We can do this, kid. How the hell does he think he's gonna get that statue outta here, anyway?
Nathan Drake: Oh jeez, these guys are everywhere.