maverick Sorcerer death stranding ti je ko hades. u prvih 5 sati vidis sve sto se da vidjeti i onda mozes sa njime naloziti vatru.
Deadwalker Fico ZELENI IKS NA STOLU KOJIMU KUPIO MAJKROSOFT Slijedi najava igre Postman gdje će Kevin Costner reprizirati svoju ulogu, sve naravno ekskluziva za Game Pass.
yakuza_stinger Ništa čudno. Uglavnom neradnici koji se ne pojavljuju na poslu pa zato imamo Death Stranding.
Sorcerer Intervju IGN-a sa Kojimom
Solid_Snake Looking back He ended up in hospital due to exhaustion over working on MGS. He was a manager in KCE Japan, which gave him the experience needed for Kojima Productions. He had worked on a screenplay for a short movie, but Covid scrapped the chances of that happening. Is very grateful to Kagemasa Kozuki (founder and chairman of Konami) whom he repeatedly praises in the article. Looking forward Is thinking a lot about AI, algorithmic recommendations for example. Will you never have to meet someone you don't like? Has a lot to say about Covid, and remote working in the future (not a huge fan of it). Will be hiring more international developers. 0 chance of opening an overseas studio though. He thinks he's making the right choice with working with more Hollywood actors, cites Idris Elba in Cyberpunk as an example. He wants to become an AI and stick around. Will not work on licensed IP. Death Standing movie Won't be just a Hollywood explosions style movie. Hasn't made up his mind about Sam appearing. "Games are games", no need to turn it into a film. Future titles Been in concept development for 5 or 6 years. In presenting the Microsoft project concept, people thought he was mad and said no. Microsoft got what he was trying to do. Odličan intervju.