The United Kingdom has updated its travel advice for British citizens planning to visit the United States, warning of potential arrest or detention if travelers fail to comply with entry requirements.

It comes amid President Donald Trump's large-scale crackdown on illegal immigration.

"You should comply with all entry, visa and other conditions of entry. The authorities in the U.S. set and enforce entry rules strictly. You may be liable to arrest or detention if you break the rules," the guidance reads.



Treba biti gore prije nego postane bolje


hah ajde starija je generacija, pa i mogu razumiti izjavu.

I ja sam djedu i neni neki dan novo hdmi kablo zamijenio u d3 box od telemacha, jer im je stari prekidao, gledali su me u nevjerici kao da sam izmislio algoritam za slijetanje međunarodne svemirske stanice na zemlju.

Trump bi se baš čini kao čičica koga tehnologija ne zanima uopšte.


    "TECHNOLOGY—let me tell you, folks, nobody understands it better than ME. We’ve got the BEST TECH, the SMARTEST PEOPLE, and believe me, we're making it GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. Other countries? They're trying to catch up, but they CAN’T. We’re LEADING in AI, in SPACE, in EVERYTHING. BIG WINS, folks—HUGE!"


      …svi putevi vode prema stolu, Deus Ex, Tornquist i Kojima znaju🕵😁


      Kaj onda je i dokumentarac o Kleopatri je samo inspiriran Kleopatrom Ha-Ha-HaHa-Ha-Ha.

      I Mala Sirena i Snjeguljica i April O'Neil i Velma…

      Možda nosi ime orginala, ali sve je to samo inspirirano.

      Inspirirano rasizmom lol.

        wooddiebone po obicnom, lupas totalne gluposti i cool si si🤷🏼