fensisuperstar @weky nemoj opet počinjati sa wekiziranjem topica. Znam da trollaš ali postaje neugodno. igra još nije izašla. ako nastaviš morat ću iskoristit:
Deadwalker Pusti Wekyja, njegovi postovi u ovom topicu su poput programa na RTL-u - između (reklama) ironije i cinizma bude i malo (filma) istine.
fensisuperstar Deadwalker nema puštanja nikoga. Ispast će da popuštamo jer je to Weky i zna se da trolla. Treba prema drugim članovima biti fer.
chono7 We spent 16 hours in Cyberpunk 2077's dense and stunning Night City, and found an immense amount of depth and choices to explore in this mammoth of an RPG. IGN
chono7 The game is incredibly detailed and the city really feels alive. The decisions you make are very important. The choices you make in a random event can affect the course of the entire game. The main story is very impressive and at the same time the side missions are of a very high quality. As in The Witcher 3, there are side missions that can be the main quests. You can always find something to do around town, but the quests, which can be thought of as side stories of the side story, make you feel like they’ll repeat themselves after a while. There are still bugs in the game, it’s good to be postponed. RPG elements are pretty high. It’s not a war and shooter-oriented game, but hand-to-hand combat is also very important. Driving is fun. AI is very satisfying during action, but not as satisfying while stealth. Johnny Silverhand made the game extra fun. In general, the first 16 hours were considered exceptional. We would like to remind you that these comments will only be made for the first 16 hours. It can go in a positive or negative direction.
chono7 weky a da, to je referenca na verziju iz lipnja, jer nju su dobili za playthrough od 16h. Zato je i navedeno da su odgode bile nuzne u tom trenutku. Bit ce toga i nakon launcha, kao i u svakom open world RPGu. Pogotovo s ovoliko podsustava
Tzereen Ajd da napokon dobijem i neku dobru vijest. Moj CP2077 preorder će imati i steelbook kao nagradu. Jebeno!
Tzereen wooddiebone ovi od kojih sam preoderao davno. Iz Osijeka. Sad sam trebao finalno potvrditi narudžbu da mi ju pošalju.
fensisuperstar Tuhy zbog tog komentara nemoj se začuditi ako se probudiš i vidiš mene i @chono7 sa palicama :-D
Zero Izgleda malo jeftino. Bangladeš ili Kina? Što bi moja stara rekla, kao da je duksu krava žvakala. Se da to peglat?
chono7 Zero sorry stari, ali CROPP ima jebacke materijale i kvalitetu. Sto bi ti, Mustang hoodicu? Da platis 800kn za sejni drek kao i ona od 200