Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
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Jucer dosa u Kuttenberg i moram reci da skidam kapu devovima, za 40milj budzet ovako dobra, detaljna i velika igra svaka cast. Drugi devovi bi se trebali sramit.
Zelim im +10milj prodani igri
I ja baš malo švrljam po Kuttenbergu. kakav dizajn i koliko detalja!
Večeras igranje, nisam dva dana jer sam vikend bio na putu….
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doktor1 Hvala ali ja nisam konjokradica. Samo posteno
Btw update 84GB
solidmerlin Btw update 84GB
Nije valjda da je na disku samo ključ za otključavanje igre? Pa cijela igra je 85GB
milicevic87 ne bi me cudilo, to je praksa od pocetka ove generacije.
Da, i ja kada sam uzeo bilo je skidanje cijele igre….
doktor1 ide u Stonehenge teretanu u juznom Kuttenbergu.
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Ček, vi nitko nemate djecu koji igrate ovo?
Henry je moje dijete
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Finished a sidequest and assumed the characters would go on their separate ways. One of them said they'll have supplies for the others journey and they walked in the same direction. I followed them for about 10 minutes back to town and there was a voiced scene where the townspeople gave the person a horse and wished them well. That character then rode into another town and sat on a bench and said time for a break. I stopped then, but I thought that was amazing. A lot of work by the dev that only maybe 1-5 people would ever see. Makes me wonder what else they put into the game.
Čuo sam zanimljive priče o rudniku no neda čuvar… Nebude li išo spavat tokom noći ili dođe smjena, ja ulazim kako god; raznest ću ih "pištoljem" ako treba
Inače, igra ima bolje GI i volumetric efekte te interijeri, paćine, tuneli i maglovite noći izgledaju drastično bolje nego u prethodniku!