Tuhy nisu, i diablo 3 je jeo govna par dana i dobili su masu negative. Zasto bi ovo bila iznimka? To je takav community
Edit: s druge strane primjerice PUBG je zvakao sve sto su mu bacili, masu konekcija i igraca.
Edit 2: dosta pozornosti je dobio i odabir anticheat sustava, pa globalni dusebriznici se hvataju i za to u kontekstu negativnih reviewova:
"As many others have stated: this game requires nProtect Gameguard, which requires root level access. The company, nProtect, has several scandals in its history, including having its user data exploited, as well as not uninstalling when the game it was installed with was installed. If you google "nProtect uninstaill" or "nProtect issues" you will find forum posts discussing the vulnerabilities and difficulties associated with this product as far back as 2008.
Even ignoring the issues with potential privacy, nProtect is the main reason for all the crashes in this game.
If you trust this company with access to everything on your computer, disregard this. But I view this as functionally malware. This is a PVE exclusive game that for some reason needs an anticheat with stronger access to your system than PVP games I've played."