- Uređivano
sanzo Zadnji nastavak izašao prije 10 godina sa dosta lošim ocjenama
9 godina da budemo točni.
Verdict Day received "mixed or average reviews" on both platforms according to the review aggregation website Metacritic. Critics pointed the difficulty for newcomers to understand the game and weak story. Most critics agreed that the game would be successful with those who are already into the series but would suffer to add new players to its fanbase. In a more positive light, IGN, although acknowledging the weak graphics and confusing menus of the PS3 version, remarked: "A special kind of magic here that most games would never even attempt".
In Japan, Famitsu gave it a score of two nines and two eights for a total of 34 out of 40. One editor wrote: "The game's pretty difficult and you have to use a ton of buttons, which makes the hurdles seem pretty high at first. But the more you plug away at it, the more you can really feel how much better you're getting at it, which is nice". Another wrote: "The game's focused primarily on online play and that may scare off some players right there. There is a tutorial, but beyond that, you're pretty much thrown into the wilderness. This makes the missions pretty tough from the start, but the mercenaries and UNAC auto-AI system provide beginners with a fair amount of backup, which is key. It's the kind of game that rewards repeated trial and error as you play, and so if you like that, here it is".
Znači Armored Core je serijal koji u sebi ima srž sadizma koju donosi Souls serijal. Ekipa koja je ovo reviewala nije bila doovljnos skilled da reviewa ovu igru. A oni koji su mogli su dali igri dobar score. Jednostavno armored core nije za pičke, nikad nije bio nikad neće biti. I nadovezao bi se na prvi post od @darkfenix
darkfenix Toliko fanova FromSoftvera ovdja, a igra nema ni svoju temu jos…kako to?
Zato što Souls i Armored Core igre imaju potpuno drugi đir igrača. Ja uzimam FoR day 1. To nije upitno. ali nemamo o čemu realno pričati. Zadnji nastavak Armored Corea je izašao prije 9 godina. Imaš jedan cinematic od kojih ljudi pomisle da će biti igra biti Armored Souls (neće bit će i dalje isti tip igre kao i prijašnji nastavci). Igra će biti kao i svaki prošli nastavak teška u pičku materinu i bit će isto tako reboot serijala u priči. Osim toga nema što više pričati o igri. Ja sam inače veliki mecha fan ali ne pričam o tome inače jer me ljudi već čudno gledaju i bez mecha fanaticizma.