Codemasters će uskoro najaviti novu F1 2016 igru, a Safety car i career mode se vraćaju!Treba se napomenuti da je Codemasters slušao igrače i napravio čak i beta test prije 3 mjeseca na kojemu su pozvani poznati F1 youtuberi poput Tiametmarduka, XmatttyG-a, Aarave i ostalih, koji su dali feedback zajednice prema Codemastersu.Čini se da će nova F1 igra imati hrpu sadržaja koji je nedostajao u F1 2015, ali i nekih novih stvarčica poput 10-godišnje karijere, testova, team menadžera i ostalog.F1 2016 announced with a 10 year and the return of the safety carWe’re entering E3 announcement season and that means sports games. Racing is the first to start, with the announcement of F1 2016 coming today. This year’s official adaptation of the world’s most popular form of motor racing brings with it a singificant single-player upgrade, letting you string together 10 seasons of play into one massive career mode. It also sees system changes with the reintroduction of the safety car and virtual safety car, as well as one new track based on the street circuit in Baku, Azerbaijan.Lee Mather, Principal Games Designer at developers Codemasters, calls it a “massive step forward for the franchise” and promises that the career mode “sits at the heart of the game.” It has you creating an avatar and driver number to begin with, before letting you choose which team to race for. Each expects different things from you - some just want you to cross the finish line in the majority of races, while the likes of Mclaren and Ferrari will be expecting championships.“Beyond improving upon the fastest and most thrilling on-track racing experience in gaming,” continues Mather, “F1 2016 uniquely offers the drama and vehicle development that goes on behind the scenes. A rich car upgrade system is fully integrated into a new and deep practice development programme which mirrors the tests carried out by the teams in real life.”Evo neki od leakanih screenshotova(igra izgleda stvarno lijepo)