Nekako sam i ja skeptičan budući da su Rusi u naletu u Kursku, ali živi bili pa vidjeli.

Na ovakvo što nebi ni djeca u trećem osnovne pali.

Elon Musk has told the White House he plans to give $100 million to President Trump's political operation, according to a person familiar with his plans.
Why it matters: The contribution is unheard of in both amount and type: Musk, who is technically a special government employee, is the world's richest person.

  • Musk donated more than $250 million to a pro-Trump super PAC during the 2024 election campaign. That made Musk Trump's biggest financial booster.

  • Now, he is the face of the DOGE team that's driving the Trump administration's huge cuts to the federal workforce and agencies.

  • The New York Times first reported the latest planned contribution.

Zoom in: Trump's political team has set up a pair of organizations: MAGA Inc. and Securing America's Greatness. It is not clear if Musk will give to either of those two groups, or if he plans on giving to another one that will be controlled by Trump's team.

  • MAGA Inc. and Securing America's Greatness are run by Chris LaCivita and Tony Fabrizio, who were top advisers on Trump's 2024 campaign and have close ties to the Trump White House.

  • The two groups have raised around $500 million -- a massive sum that will be used to help expand the Republican majorities in the midterm elections and to pressure Republicans to support Trump's agenda.

  • Representatives for Musk and the White House did not respond to Axios' requests for comment in the evening.

    prayer Ne bi me iznenadilo i da nije, iskreno. Već sam se naslušao njegovih gluposti, tipa da bi bilo idealno da se korona liječi izbjeljivačem i sl.


      Ma svašta je tip izvalio ali poslušaj još par puta i slušaj intonaciju i kako izgovara riječi, na prvo sam i ja mislio da ie stvarno ali se jasno vidi da je AI kad malo bolje obratiš pažnju.


      Lol. Sigurno si čuo o čuvanju identiteta izvora? Gleda se kredibilitet novina/portala.

      Ako Guardian ili Reuters napišu isto, to ne znači da muljaju i lažu. Moguće, ali većinom ne, jer im je ugled onda na liniji.

        Woodie otkriva da novinari javno ne imenuju svoje izvore, samo 500 godina nakon početka prakse.

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          2200 eura plaća?

          Da nije Sony orkestrirao cjelu ovu krizu da konačno proda koji PS5 klincima nakon srednje Ha-Ha-HaHa-Ha-HaHa-Ha-Ha

          Genesis sluzbeno se vraca vojni rok, moguce vec najesen….2200€ placa, 2mj obuke te prilikom zavrsene vojne obveze imas cak prednost kod poslova u drzavnoj sluzbi…wow…

          Jel se može retroaktivno dobiti tih 2200 mjesečno, ja sam dobivao 100kn Ha-Ha-Ha