Službena stranica
Platforme: PC, PS4, PS3, X1, X360
Izašla: 18/11/2104
The game takes place in Kyrat, a fictional Himalayan country that mostly consists of sprawling mountains and forests, vast water systems, and villages that house Kyrat's citizens. The main story follows Ajay Ghale, a young Kyrati-American, as he is caught in a civil war involving Kyrat's Royal Army and The Golden Path. Gameplay focuses on combat with enemies and exploration; players battle enemy soldiers and dangerous wildlife using a wide array of weapons, while completing side missions, collecting useful items, and journeying through the game's main story.
Metacritic: 85/100 | IGN: 8.5/10 | Polygon: 9.0/10
Vratio se jučer igri, ali ispočetka.
Krivi folder sa sejvovima sam prebacio prilikom prelaska na Windows 10 i otišlo u vjetar 30+ sati igranja.
Ali kako sam se zasitio malo MGS V trenutno, a puca mi se, FC4 je savršeno dobar za fino napucavanje.

Jedna umjetnička.
Nezz jel i prije bilo, sada je 1.9 patch prisutan, da se može isključivat animacija lootanja, totalno isključit HUD.
Pola tih stvari od savršenog gameplaya nisam ubrao...