I ljudi. Sto ono, nece biti single playera??.. dapace sp i mp lul.
Jebo vas kotaku. Eto sto.
Always online, još veći naglasak na base building, stalno naglašavaju survival i ni riječi o RPG-u,...
Otkud si izvukao da će ovo biti klasični Fallout? Kotaku je bio on the money.
Eno riječi game directora:
Entirely online, but that isn't to say its a massively multiplayer game though -- it's more like a more like a "shared world" shooter, similar to games like Destiny. When you play the game, you'll be on a map with a dozen or so other players. Not hundreds, not thousands - just few. It is the apocalypse, after all.
"We have always wanted to tell that story of you and the other who were first to leave the Vault: it's that each of those characters is a real person, because yes, Fallout 76 is entirely online,"
Znači ak ćeš igrat solo, ogromne su šanse da uopće nećeš naići na druge likove, jer bi ti drugi likovi trebali biti drugi igrači koji su isto izašli iz Vaulta.