Game Revolution 4/10
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 might be a numbered iteration for the franchise, but it doesn’t feel like it. Its moments of thrilling gameplay and competition-rich multiplayer are sideswiped by bad performance, the poor implementation of Slam, and frequent glitches. The series might have once had potential to be revived, but Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 makes sure that all signs of life have been squeezed out of it.
Hardcore Gamer 4/10
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 could have been so much more. There was some expectations early on that maybe it could live up to its name, especially with Activision slapping a number on the end for the first time in well over a decade. Regrettably, the result is a mess. While the mechanics are slightly unpolished, they still have a similar feel to what we’ve come to expect, which can result in some enjoyable antics. Unfortunately, they are contained in a constrained formula where the player must navigate menu after mens to get into repetitive and uninteresting missions. It doesn’t help that the online portion feels underdeveloped, not aiding the player in their search for shredding the streets with fellow skaters. The only positive notion about Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 is that it isn’t offensively bad, and does contain a decent amount of options to choose from when it comes to customizing your skater, but that means playing through dull missions over and over again. It might be best to put ol’ Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater out to pasture. It’s best to remember what it was, rather than dwell on what it has become.
Cheat Code Central 1.5/5
When all is said and done, this game doesn’t deserve to be called Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 and most certainly shouldn’t make its way onto your download queue. I feel like Activision withheld it from early reviews because the company knew it's a butt of a game. I know it’s tempting to give this one a go, especially after the years of awesomeness the Pro Skater franchise has provided in the past, but it doesn’t match up to today’s standards. Avoid this one like the Black Plague.
Eurogamer- Avoid
Why, when Activision has seemingly taken so much care and attention with its elegant revival of Guitar Hero? Why, when Activision has supported Bungie's triumphant overhaul of Destiny? This is a publisher that cares deeply about its marquee titles - after all, its bets are placed on perilously few of them. Seemingly, it comes down to a simple contractual obligation. The Tony Hawks license runs out at the end of the year. The game had to be ready for its deadline, even if wasn't ready for its deadline. It's an explanation that goes some way to absolve the development team, who no doubt gave their all and worked as hard as they could within the time that was available. Regardless, to charge full price for a game that is so clearly ramshackle is scandalous. Not even the glitches can save Tony Hawks 5. They are too narrow in range to sustain our interest. A skater disappearing in dry concrete is funny the first time. But the joke wears pretty thin when it's repeated this often, especially when it comes at such a high price for everyone involved.
The Jimquisition 2/10
Tony Hawk 5 looks like the burned corpse of a three-legged sheep and plays like the results of teaching a chimpanzee how to code. At its very, very best, it’s an intensely mediocre experience, populated by repetitive, remedial missions and archaic stunt “action” that you could find in literally any other skateboarding game – all of which is buried behind loading screens, unintuitive menu design, and the curious decision to make players wait an arbitrary amount of time before they get to confirm or cancel any decision.
Still, at least the game is plastered in advertising for Mountain Dew and Monster Energy, so you know the fine folks at Activision are making the money they deserve.
In my professional opinion, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 can fuck off.
Shacknews 1/10
Even without its technical issues, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5, at its core, is a bad game. The graphics are two console generations old, it suffers bad level design, and missions are uninspiring throughout all stages. What makes this whole experience sting even more is the fact that this bad game has so many obvious issues, that even getting through it for the sake of a review was difficult.

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