zlo_filantrop Developer: Daybreak Game CompanyIzdavac: Daybreak Game CompanyPlatforme: PC, PS4Zanr: MMO FPS PlanetSide 2 is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online first-person shooter published by Daybreak Game Company and released on November 20, 2012. It is a remake of PlanetSide which originally released in 2003. Officially announced on July 7, 2011 at the Sony Fan Fair, the second installment uses a new game engine and supports thousands of players in continuous large scale conflict. As in the first PlanetSide, PlanetSide 2 chronicles the efforts of three factions as they fight for territorial control of the planet Auraxis. PlanetSide 2 will be released for the PlayStation 4 in North America on June 23, 2015. PlanetSide 2 holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest first-person shooter battle with 1158 players in a single battle
zlo_filantrop Čak i za betu ovo su server...bljak.30 minuti se još nisam spojio. nezz, igro sam prvu betu na us serveru i nije bilo problema. eu serveri su sad off, do 19h..
Fenix Čak i za betu ovo su server...bljak.30 minuti se još nisam spojio. nezz, igro sam prvu betu na us serveru i nije bilo problema. eu serveri su sad off, do 19h..Jesu li i na EU server ubacili kontinente?
zlo_filantrop Čak i za betu ovo su server...bljak.30 minuti se još nisam spojio. nezz, igro sam prvu betu na us serveru i nije bilo problema. eu serveri su sad off, do 19h..Jesu li i na EU server ubacili kontinente? ipak 18, serveri su up!