Nastavak najboljeg online shootera 2014. godine je potvrđen.
"I guess EA announced a sequel, so I could play coy and pretend I don't know anything about it, or… yeah. So we're working on a sequel. No official name yet, but we're working on that. That's the main focus but we're starting up a second team and doing some smaller stuff too. Small, exploratory, taking it slow! It'll be multiplatform."
Dolazi napokon na na još više platforma, tak da bu i PS igrači vjerojatno bili u mogućnosti odšpilati koju partiju.
Zampellinih par riječi o singleplayeru:
"We set out to do it and it was one of our goals. I mean it obviously prohibits a certain group of people playing the game, and as content creators you want to get into as many peoples's hands as possible. We put some single-player elements in there though, and tried to mix it up. Maybe we could have mixed things up a bit better because some people blew right by it and didn't even see it because there was so much action happening around it. It's tough, because if you hit people over the head with it it becomes intrusive, and there are people who don't want or care about it. Where does the needle fall? I think it takes a while to figure that out and we haven't figured it out yet."
Također možda promjene i DLC model, iako se nadam da ne bu skroz slijedili Evolveov model:
"I think having the maps like that in packs, it does split the community and it makes it harder for matchmaking, it's messy. Yeah. I don't know we won't do it again, I can't say that for sure, but the idea would be to do something different."
Očekivanja? Kaj bi novoga voljeli vidjeti?
Ja ne bih baš da se dira gameplay, sam više sadržaja da daju neg u jedinici i morti razrađeniji co-op.