Može li mi netko objasnit kraj Sopranosa?
Ha gle, zapravo je otvoren za interpretaciju.
David Chase je službeno ovo rekao:
"I do wish that connection had been made better. To me the question is not whether Tony lived or died, and that's all that people wanted to know: "Well, did he live or did he die? You didn't finish the show. You didn't answer the question." That's preposterous. There was something else I was saying that was more important than whether Tony Soprano lived or died. About the fragility of all of it. The whole show had been about time in a way, and the time allotted on this Earth. That whole trip out to California was all about that – what people called a dream sequence. And all the dream sequences within the show. Tony was dealing in mortality every day. He was dishing out life and death. And he was not happy. He was getting everything he wanted, that guy, but he wasn't happy. All I wanted to do was present the idea of how short life is and how precious it is. The only way I felt I could do that was to rip it away. And I think people did get it. It made them upset emotionally, but intellectually they didn't follow it. And that could very well be bad execution.
Did Tony die or didn't he die? Well, first of all, it really comes down to this: There was, what, six seasons of that show? Seven? Am I supposed to do a scene and ending where it shows that crime doesn't pay? Well, we saw that crime pays. We've been seeing that for how many years? Now, in another sense, we saw that crime didn't pay because it wasn't making him happy. He was an extremely isolated, unhappy man. And then finally, once in a while he would make a connection with his family and be happy there. But in this case, whatever happened, we never got to see the result of that. It was torn away from him and from us. I forget what my point was."
Međutim postoji i jedna genijalna analiza koja mi je sjela ko budali šamar
i dotiče se tehnike snimanja završne sceneNa kraju krajeva, čitavu bit serije vidim da je svo to vrijeme koje pokušavamo pronaći ljudskost u Tonyju i sva njegova kvazi empatija zapravo farsa, a to se vidi po rezultatu njegove terapije. Nema pomaka. Sve se vrti u krug. Na kraju Tony ostaje Tony, mafijaš koji je sposoban učiniti bilo što za svoj ego.