Solid_Snake Windows 10 (codenamed Threshold) is an upcoming personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. First presented in April 2014 at the Build Conference, it is scheduled to be released in mid 2015, and is currently in public beta testing. During its first year of availability, upgrades to Windows 10 will legally be offered at no charge for licensed, consumer users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.
maroon-gamer Windows 10 će biti prava stvar. Jedva čekam da izađe. Testirao sam ga par dana i zadovoljan sam bio preview verzijom. Najbolje od svega što će pravu malu revoluciji doživjeti gaming. Od veće iskorištenosti hardwera (DX 12), integracije Xboxa, cross play sa Xboxom, više first party igara itd... Velike su šanse da ću se vratiti na PC gaming kada izađe W10 :)
Chaky Da li ce Win10 biti da kupis jednom licencu i miran si ili ces morati obnavljati licencu svakih godinu dana?
chono7 To ti ne ovisi o iteraciji Windowsa (XP, Vista, 7, 8 ili 10) već o vrsti OS-a koji kupuješ. Ako kupješ licencu onda je u pravilu moraš obnavljat (većinom je to u firmama), ako kupuješ retail onda je to jednokratno. Osim toga ako imaš 7 ili 8 imaš FREE upgrade na 10
S1r1uS Bas malo po yt gledam video previewe novih winsa i sta rec, I like it a lot, bit ce instant prelazak na ovo. Dosta toga ce bit poboljsano...
Matador Mislim da se još ne zna model plaćanja Windowsa 10.Sami upgrade s Win 7 i 8.1 će biti free, ali će upgrade piratske verzije rezultirati isto tako piratskim Win 10.Win 10 će biti free samo godinu dana nakon upgradea, tj. nakon isteka godine dana ćete "morati" kupiti Windowse/licencu/prodati dušu vragu ili što već, a što će se dalje događati, još nije poznato, ali nagađanja su da će Microsoft pokušati "uvaljati" neku vrstu pretplate kao za XBox live ili kako se to već zove.
Matador Evo službeno priopćenje Microsofta: The consumer free upgrade offer for Windows 10 applies to qualified new and existing devices running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8.1. Some editions are excluded from the consumer free upgrade—including Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT/RT 8.1. Active Software Assurance customers in volume licensing have the benefit to upgrade to other Windows 10 enterprise offerings. We have always been committed to ensuring that customers have the best Windows experience possible. With Windows 10, although non-Genuine PCs may be able to upgrade to Windows 10, the upgrade will not change the genuine state of the license. Non-Genuine Windows is not published by Microsoft. It is not properly licensed, or supported by Microsoft or a trusted partner. If a device was considered non-genuine or mislicensed prior to the upgrade, that device will continue to be considered non-genuine or mislicensed after the upgrade. According to industry experts, use of pirated software, including Non-Genuine Windows, results in a higher risk of malware, fraud (identity theft, credit card theft, etc), public exposure of your personal information, and a higher risk for poor performance or feature malfunctions.Izvor:ši mi na instalaciju OFW-a na CFW.
Chaky ... a što će se dalje događati, još nije poznato, ali nagađanja su da će Microsoft pokušati "uvaljati" neku vrstu pretplate kao za XBox live ili kako se to već zove.Zato sam i pitao. Nisam detaljno sve citao, ali sam i sam stekao dojam da ce biti neka godisnja clanarina.
Matador Gle, to je Microsoft, (..., Vista, Zune, forsiranje touch interfacea na desktopovima, ubijanje marke Nokia, ...) dok ne vidim službenu obavijest, ništa ja ne vjerujem...Već su lagano krenuli s Office 365, a i cijeli IT svijet ide u smjeru SaaS-a...