Jako loš trailer, čeka se gameplay.
Očekujem da neće priču zasrati i ovaj puta.
Mass Effect je izvorno trebao biti space opera a pretvorio se u TPS spašavanje svijeta nakon prvog dijela.
Dobili su šansu za novi početak i kao reboot a vidim da su ulozi opet veći.
Izvorno su najavljivali da nisu nego je više osobne stvari i istraživanja galaksije.
Zajebu li me, neću im kupiti.
Prije svega očekujem teški svemirski RPG, kao Dragon Age u svemiru.
Malo manje napucavanja i generičnih side questova.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Ova kreatura vuče na Decepticona iz Transformersa.
Kako sam rekao gore, nadam se da nebude reapera i spasi galaksiju pizdarija.
Nije divovska lignja, sad je gusjenica.
Prvi bi trebao biti (po meni) malo više close and personal, bez velikih galaxy-razbijajućih događaja stavljenih na Ryderova(naša) pleća. Kao ME1, dajte da upoznamo Rydera, sa likovima i timom, sjajna čavrljanja između njih, razna podzemlja i malo novih intrigantnih misterija koja bi ostavila prostor debati "šta bi moglo biti" na kraju igre.
Kao ME1, glavni centar igre je Shepar i njegov Spectre status i lovac na Sarena (sa Sovereignom u pozadini). Ne kažem da bude identičan naravno, ali kao što sam rekao, close and personal.
Biće prilike za spektakl.
Naravno, puno pametniji ljudi od mene pišu scenarij, ne sumnjam da će biti dobar. Just sayin', špekuliramo malo.
To se očekuje i tako je ME trebao nastaviti nakon jedinice, prebrzo su otišli dalje
pa je igra ostavljala dojam utrke s vremenom, treći dio pogotovo a odnosi među
likovima forsirano tek toliko da se odmaknu od pucačine povremeno.
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Game Informer Details (Combat, story, characters & more)
-Around 2185, at the height of galactic progress, unaware of the impending Reaper invasion, several species band together for the "Andromeda Initiative"
-4 Arks, each carrying a different race, are built, housing thousands of individuals to chart a course to Andromeda
-The Heleus Cluster is noted as having a significant amount of "Golden Worlds", or planets ripe for life
-Each ark is led by a "Pathfinder"
-The Pathfinder, recon teams and others onboard are in cryosleep, unaware of what transpires in the Milky Way after they depart
-You play as either Scott or Sara Ryder, the children of Alec Ryder (pathfinder of the human ark)
-Alec Ryder is voiced by Clancy Brown
-Events at the start of the game occur that pass this role down to you, you are untested and unproven, unlike Commander Shepard of the previous trilogy
-This doesn't mean Mass Effect is Ryder's story from now on, they want the game to feel like a complete story (while teasing other stories that could happen)
-More customization options than previous games
-You can customize your father and your sibling, though not as extensively
-The "Nexus" is basically a forward command center staffed by multiple species
-The Hyperion (humanity's ark) arrives at an incorrect location that's volatile and loses contact with the other arks and Nexus
-Global cooldowns are now replaced by individual timers
-Powers are instead hotkeyed for quick use, no longer pausing to bring up a wheel and aim
-Dynamic cover system (ala TLOU)
-Still a cover based shooter with a goal to get the player moving around the battlefield more
-Jetpack allows for more movement variety; you can quick dash instead of rolling
-Jetpack has a hover function that allows you to hit enemies seeking cover or survey your surroundings
-Less emphasis on linear, clearly telegraphed environments that tell you a combat encounter is coming (though linear areas are still in the game)
-Game Informer's hands on was positive, feel the game has a clearer identity in combat than previous games
-You still queue up attacks, combos, order your squad, etc
-All key elements are still intact but the studio wanted to encourage more experimentation and wider variety of abilities
-Class system is gone; instead you have full access to abilities from all classes, you can mix and match skills from tech, soldier or biotics
-Goal is to allow players to try different approaches to combat without being locked in at the start
-However, you can still specialize once you invest enough points into a category of skills, you unlock a profile that can get you bonuses for your particular play style
-This is where class names like "Vanguard" (invest in combat and biotics) and "Adept" (invest in biotics) resurface
-Invest in multiple categories and you unlock the "Explorer" profile
-There is a narrative reason that allows you to reconfigure your points throughout the game so that you can try out multiple gameplay approaches without making multiple characters
-You can customize your helmet, chest, shoulders, arms and legs, more extensive than previous trilogy
-Many familiar weapons return, as well as new melee options like swords and hammers
-The 'Kett' are the main enemy
-The team wanted players to experience the first time encountering a new alien species vs already having it established in prior games
-Rather than painting them as mortal enemies, BioWare wanted to make them feel foreboding but not ugly as they want you to also empathize with them
Mass Effect: Andromeda takes you to the Andromeda galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you'll lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory - where WE are the aliens.
Play as the Pathfinder - a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers - with deep progression and customization systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy.
As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromeda Galaxy and the hope for humanity lies on your shoulders – You must ask yourself… How far will you go?
Key Features:
Be the Pathfinder. Chart your own course in a dangerous new galaxy. Unravel the mysteries of the Andromeda galaxy as you discover rich, alien worlds in the search for humanity’s new home.
Return to the Mass Effect universe you love. Lead the first humans in Andromeda on a desperate search for our new home. In this new chapter of Mass Effect, meet and recruit all-new, interesting characters caught up in an epic space saga filled with mystery and galactic conflict.
Battle like never before. New additions like destructible environments, boosted jumps for added verticality, and all-new weapons and Biotics make combat more thrilling than ever.
Play your way. Build a formidable hero with amazing weapons, powers and tech. With a much more flexible skill and weapon progression tree, you can replicate your play style to make you unstoppable against powerful alien enemies.
Join the APEX Forces. Multiplayer in Mass Effect Andromeda places you into a class-based, 4-player co-op fire-team experience. Team up with three of your friends to take on the enemy threat and protect the interests of the Andromeda Initiative.
Trailer mi je sam po sebi neimpresivan, a i očekivao sam više za N7, ali mi se još nešto nije svidjelo u cijeloj priči. Malo pogledam komentare i jedan tip je odlično sažeo. Ovo mi više ne izgleda kao science fiction nego neki science fantasy, pogotovo u dizajnu protivnika i onih letećih stupova i sličnih generičnih gluposti iz Transformer filmova. ME mi je pogotovo privlačan jer sve to nekako znanstveno objasne i sve mi se čini mogućim, a ovdje mi izgleda kao da je netko odlučio napraviti Inquistion u svemiru nego pravi nastavak ME. Baš mi je na granici generičnog. Da se razumijemo, kupit ću day one i odmah odigrati, jer je ME jedan od rijetkih preostalih franšiza koja me zanima.
Fantastican trailer.
Solidan trailer.
Ova kreatura vuče na Decepticona iz Transformersa.Više kao da je pobjegla iz Horizon: Zero Dawna.
Kako sam rekao gore, nadam se da nebude reapera i spasi galaksiju pizdarija.
Al' nezz, nisam nešto pretjerano impresioniran. Čekam neki konkretan gameplay.
Prvi pravi gameplay prikaz stize u prosincu na Game Awardsima. Potvrđeno.
Poslano s mobilnog telefona S7
Izgleda bezveze i nezanimljivo. Uopće se ne veselim, niti me zanima.
mjuza na 1 Tzereen Tuhy
i onda kazu da je generic novi ME, faith in humanity lost
E taj mi se video već sviđa. Isto ništa spektakularno, ali svakako bolje od onog trailera.
Prema onome što je rečeno za Gameinformer, čini se da neće biti ništa od klasične trilogije. Što ne znači da za koju godinu nakon Andromede neće uslijediti novi nastavak s novim glavnim likom. Možda idu u smjeru Dragon Agea? I ne znam je li to neko iznenađenje, ali potvrđeno je da se kampanja može igrati offline, lol.
Meni je i onaj jučerašnji trailer zakon.
Ne na razini trailera za dvojku i trojku, ali dovoljno da pošteno nabrije za igru.
Onaj PC cover je nešto nestvarno dobro
Eto, pokleknuo sam... :(
Nakon toliko godina odolijevanja, kupio sam sva tri DLC-a za ME3 (Leviathan, Citadel i Omega). Da, znam, užasno. Ovca sam i popušio sam EA foru.