eo prepiska nekog lika,bilo je na spanjolskom pa je prevedeno
Rafael My name is Rafael how may i assist you today?
You Rafael
You you speak in spanish?
You we speak in spanish?
Rafael, how can i help you?
You are you? look, I have a question, some games on my account appear locked, they are digital games, do you know what is happening.
Rafael thanks for asking, to help you farther, and solve the problem and revise your account, please give me you Online ID or Sign in ID of your account
You, I forgot to mention that this happened after firmware 2.50 update was installed
You I would really want to know is why it did that
Rafael chance the accounts that were used that have games from digital sales from the internet? (my guess is the mass ebay sells)
You of the accounts that are locked are games that are digital games that I bought over the internet.
Rafael understand, what I know is that those types of sale are illegal and the last update has patched some of the ways to sell these games. if you can't regain access of your accounts, its not possible to regain your games.
You perfect... but what is rare that there are people that don't have this issue and some that do
You's why I don't understand
You you explain?
Rafael I've said, the major forms of buying these games have patched for everyone, for now some people have access but soon they'll lose access.
You, thanks very much
Last lines seems like the general is there anything I can assist you with they usually do.