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Sta mislite o ovome koliko smo udaljeni od realne primjene unutar igara?
DirectX is always improving and it’s exciting to see how far it’s come. The biggest catch with it right now is the support fragmentation with PS4. There are around 20 million PS4s on the market right now and if a developer pursues DX they’re making a calculated decision to not release to that user base. Sure, there’s a lot of crossover in the userbase but it’s still a pretty big risk for a large scale production,” he said to GamingBolt.
He then goes to explain the benefits of the new API. “I think the new versions will bring a pretty good benefit provided that the companies like Epic and Unity take advantage of them and developers are willing to either split their visual pipelines or develop with exclusivity in mind. Of course, this issue isn’t just tied to Direct X. This is an issue for developing for a specific set piece of hardware too. If you look at the Uncharted series in the previous generation you can see just how much developers were able to squeeze out of the hardware.”
DirectX is always improving and it’s exciting to see how far it’s come. The biggest catch with it right now is the support fragmentation with PS4. There are around 20 million PS4s on the market right now and if a developer pursues DX they’re making a calculated decision to not release to that user base. Sure, there’s a lot of crossover in the userbase but it’s still a pretty big risk for a large scale production,” he said to GamingBolt.
He then goes to explain the benefits of the new API. “I think the new versions will bring a pretty good benefit provided that the companies like Epic and Unity take advantage of them and developers are willing to either split their visual pipelines or develop with exclusivity in mind. Of course, this issue isn’t just tied to Direct X. This is an issue for developing for a specific set piece of hardware too. If you look at the Uncharted series in the previous generation you can see just how much developers were able to squeeze out of the hardware.”
Kako je ovo jebeni FUD article da je to strašno.

Obožavam ovog lika...vrhunski!
BTW ovaj video samo dokazuje da i konzole dobiju performance updateove isto kao i određeni driveri na PC-u...

Jos jedna anulirana prednost konzole od strane PC-a :)

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što kaže onaj lik jedan u komentarima:

"Doesn't work for fat people"

Jos jedna anulirana prednost konzole od strane PC-a :)

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Ja sam jučer tražio po netu gdje mogu to kupit  :)

Evo velike nedoumice za sve one koji planiraju kupit novi CPU:

Prema ovim početnim igranjem sa benchmarkom i DX12 ispada da će najviše profitirat AMD CPU. Današnje stanje je ukratko da se heavy loada samo prva jezgra, a znamo da je Intel nenadmašiv u single core performansama. Izgleda da se situacija mijenja.

A u qrac...pada na 20. :(
Nadam se da ce ovaj najavljeni patch rjesiti stvar.
Souls igre nikad nisu bile tech cudo pa ih opet volimo. I'm looking at you Blighttown.

Jos jedna anulirana prednost konzole od strane PC-a :)

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Ja sam jučer tražio po netu gdje mogu to kupit  :)
Dabome, htio bi i ja ovo imat

6 dana kasnije

Malo igranja sa novim hardwareom, Win 10 i DX12. Crysis 3 u troznamenkastom fpsu i prilicno sick konfa:

Geforce GTX 970 Overclocked
Geforce GTX 660 Physics only
Intel I7-5820K
8,00 GB Ram DDR4
Asrock X99M Extreme4
Tv Panasonic TX-P42ST50
Nvidia : 349.65 DX12 Driver
Windows 10 - 64 Bit Pro Preview 9926

Baš je sick confa 

Jel tvoja, ili testiraš za nekoga?

Da je barem moja!  :) to jedan decko radi i samo je htio pokazati sto sve nosi dx12 i win 10 iako se uopce ne radi o dx12 igri.

Covjek ima posebnu gtx660 samo za fiziku! Meni se svida cijeli setup i namjera onoga sto je htio prezentirat.

Damn, sa takvom confom bio bih miran čitavu ovu generaciju realno  8)

  • [deleted]

A koliko takva konfiguracija košta ?
Ne znam vam ja niš o PC-u pa eto prosvjetlite njubaru.
U svakom slučaju mislim da nije baš jeftina.

Možda oko 1500 eura, ali ovo sam lupio onako na oko.
Chono prosvijetli nas ;D.

Ovo je i bez periferije.