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Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PS5 (October 6) and PC (early 2024)
Cekat ce debeli popust
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"Rather, the point is that you need multiple platforms promoting, pushing your product and incentivized toward its success."
Ekskluzive su loše. U drugim vijestima, voda je mokra.
Šteta… Ali, neka! Pravu igru se isplati čekati!
Za sve one koji su zaboravili, evo o čemu se radi:
Stigao nam je Counter-Strike 2
Far Cry 7 leak: According to
Name - “Far Cry: Rise” and will take place on a fictitious tropical island called Kimsan, which can be found in the “Yellow Sea next to Korea”.
- Far Cry 7 will be a new non-linear take on the series
- Centered around a conspiracy group called “Sons of Truth”
- Sons of Truth kidnap the player’s family and you are tasked with rescuing all members of your family
- Game has a 72 hour time limit (24 hours irl)
- Game’s story ends when you rescue all of your family members,
- You fail and must restart if you run out of time
- Some Family members can be killed or lost during a playthrough with the story changing around depending on the player’s actions.
- 100% is achieved after rescuing all family members and taking down the Sons of Truth
To find your family members, it was said that Far Cry 7 introduces a new interrogation mechanic to the game, which doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get the information you need from the enemy. Sometimes the enemy will give up the information, sometimes they’ll lie, stay quiet, or even sometimes escape, it was said.
Definitivno zanimljiv koncept!
Najavljen Blood Dragon Remix
Nastavno na vijest gore, evo i otkaza kod tvoraca Total Wara :/
OverHypedG Far Cry 7 will be a new non-linear take on the series
A ovi do sad su bili linearni?
Pa od trojke imamo kompletnu slobodu u progresiji.
From Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of LIMBO and INSIDE — COCOON takes you on an adventure across worlds within worlds.
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Može. Dost zanimljivo djeluje s tim aktivacijskim loptama.
Izgleda da ne bude ništa od KOTOR remakea. Osobno nisam ni očekivao da će iz toga proizići išta dobrog. A i nastavak kojeg je radio Obsidian je ionako bolji.
wooddiebone Mislim da je bilo planirano da izađe i na PC-u, ako ne odmah onda kasnije.
wooddiebone Barem privremena konzolaska ekskluziva, u isto vrijeme izlazak na PS i PC.