LEVEL-5 Inc. has announced Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time, coming to Nintendo Switch later in 2023. The game is the long-awaited sequel to the 3DS classic Fantasy Life and looks to expand on what the original did so well, blending life sim elements with traditional action RPG combat mechanics.

A new chapter of Fantasy Life that transcends time!

Begin a fantastic life on a ruined island, and embark on a great adventure into the past! Gather friends, craft, and build your own city!

・A completely new entry in the Fantasy Life series!
・Build your own city and go on adventures on a new island!
・Explore the island with whatever Life (occupation) suits you!
・Travel between the past and present to unravel the mysteries of this ruined island!
・Popular characters from the series make a return!


Jedna od mojih najdražih igara na 3DS dobiva nastavak za Switch. Iskreno bio bih sretan kad bi jednostavni napravili remaster ili remake prvog dijela ali sam zadovoljan i s ovime. Ako ste u prilici odigrati prvi dio imate moju toplu preporuku!


    Ja san igrao malo i nikad je nisan zavrsio a bila mi je dobra, ovo se obavezno uzima

    Ja sam isto malo igrao, 100h i nisam sve obavio. Igra je bila žešća droga, davaj.

    2 godine kasnije

    Igra ide u multiplatform 😎


      Ovo san ceka prosle godine za kupiti pa su odgodili e sad cemo uzeti za ps5


        Ja sam skroz zaboravio na ovo. Išao i otvoriti novu temu kada one 2 jebene godine prošle