- Uređivano
Bok ekipa, neki me znaju sa portala, neki sa ps5grupe gdje sam moderator. Pisao sam i nešto recenzije za FFa. Isto tako sam kreator GameAnimeParadise grupe na Facebooku.
Grupa je na Engleskom jeziku i premisa grupe je ovo :
Hey everyone, my name is Ivan Glumpak, everywhere in the Gaming and Yugioh world, I'm known as Snakedoc.
I made this group in a cooperation with a good friend of mine. He is a Streamer named Big_Vex. My vision for this group is to connect all of usually separate stuff.
Meaning this, you can find a group for Anime, Ps5, Xbox, Nintendo, Yugioh/Card games, game streams etc. But you wont find one where everything is supported.
That's the vision of GameAnimeParadise
To host all console news, streams, gameplays, discussions, Anime and Manga news and tournaments in gaming and Yugioh in one place.
Please be on your best behaviour here, no fighting about games, or consoles. We support gaming as a whole and all game genres.
Feel free to write about :
Real-time strategy (RTS)
Shooters (FPS and TPS)
Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
Role-playing (RPG, ARPG, JRPG and More)
Simulation and sports
Puzzlers and party games
Survival and horror
The same goes for Anime and everything else. We like to be considered as a loving community. And we appreciate your input and ideas.
Thank you so much.
Ivan Glumpak/ aka Snakedoc
Ovo je link grupe;
A ovo je link našeg Youtube kanala
Instagram link ;
Ovim putem bi htio predstaviti, grupu i YT kanal i zamoliti Vas za pomoć, naravno ako želite.
Dođite na grupu družimo se, i ako Vam nije problem dajte na kanalu ostavite like i subscribe.
Puno nam znači u početku.
Za admine, oprostite ako sam u krivoj temi ili nešto, na mobitelu sam i dosta se teško snaći.
Premjestite gdje treba.
Hvala Vam svima puno, i družimo se i na FFa i gdje god se vidimo.
Snakedoc out.