chono koji je to točno monitor?
When Nvidia launched its G-Sync standard, it used customized controllers and its own specialized IP to bring variable refresh rate support to desktop monitors that otherwise lacked this capability. The entire point of AMD’s FreeSync standard and the Adaptive Sync standard supported by VESA was to obviate the need for this approach by creating an open standard that wouldn’t slap a huge price premium on the cost of displays. Nvidia, however, has steadfastly refused to play ball. It has kept G-Sync in the ecosystem as a halo brand, despite the fact that the capability it once used specialized hardware to provide can now be baked into display timing controllers without additional costs.
Today, Nvidia announced that it would finally stop preventing its video cards from using capabilities already built into FreeSync monitors.
Monitor ti ima baš gsync modul ili je to freesync monitor sa gsync markentingom?