Ima. HFW i Ratchet trenutno. Dobra je geometrija okoliša u FH5, al teksture su low res. I dosta pop-ina sam primjetio, u kanjonu pogotovo.
Vostalom, meni se činilo da je ono bio 30fps prikaz. Možda i je kad će imat dva moda.
“You can also expect powerful, all-new graphical features like HDR captures of the vibrant Mexican sky, sweeping vistas, and an unparalleled attention to detail. Available in 4K 30 FPS on the Xbox Series X (1080p 30 FPS on Xbox Series S) with an optional 60 FPS performance mode, and ray tracing added to cars in Forzavista, you will be immersed in the open world of Horizon like never before.”