Ima smisla, ali mislim da bi brzo jedna frakcija brutalno pregazila drugu i tu bi rapidno izgubili polovicu igrača.
Zatim bi izdavali neke balans content packove i ubili sve za što je druga polovica igrača naporno radila.
Stvorili bi nepotrebne tenzije među igračima.
Fortnite je u competitive natjecanja osim samog storma dodao i storm surge, što je u biti damage threshold i to je odličan sustav eliminacije kempera i idle igrača u online igrama. Međutim, takav sustav funkcionira u BR igrama, ali vjerojatno ne bi u conquestu. Treba to svakako srediti na bilo koji način.
How does Storm Surge work now? What circle does it activate? How many people have to be alive at what circle for it to activate? Sometimes you get a warning and sometimes it's active. Why is this?
A: First a little history - Storm Surge was initially added to help in competitive matches where an unusual number of players were still around and server performance would degrade. Ultimately having less players in a match directly impacts this, and our goal is to ride the line between minimal gameplay impact while maintaining a playable server framerate. Siphon was also added to help balance the risk/reward of eliminating another player - primarily to help reduce turtling & encourage a healthier ‘elimination curve’.
To answer your specific questions, storm surge activates if the number of players in a match is higher than the values designated below at each storm phase. Surge will deal 25 damage to each player under the damage threshold, and this damage occurs every 5 seconds. We give a brief 5 second window of opportunity for players to react to this incoming damage. Storm Surge will immediately end as soon as the threshold is reached.
Storm Phase 0 - 100 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 1 - 100 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 2 - 70 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 3 - 70 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 4 - 50 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 5 - 50 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 6 - 30 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 7 - 30 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 8 - 30 Players Allowed
Storm Phase 9 - 30 Players Allowed
As an example, if there were 72 players remaining in Storm Phase 3 (where 70 players is the cap), Surge would continually deal damage to all players under the damage threshold until there were only 70 players left. Once only 70 players remain, it would end immediately until Storm Phase 4.