@Fenix upravo.
Čovjek je vjerovatno jedan od najboljih project managera ikad. Da se ne ponavljam, ovaj jedan user sa resetere je to sročio najbolje:
We can all go back and forth about what we think about Death Stranding as a video game experience, but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to point out what an incredible achievement the game was in terms of its production and project management. In the span of releasing MGSV and getting fired from Konami in 2015 to releasing Death Stranding in 2019, all the people behind the game managed;
Breaking away from Konami and establishing a new studio from scratch
Getting new offices, setting up everything as a company in terms of legal work, insurance, healthcare, etc.
Finding a publisher willing to fund a AAA game in the age of volatility for third-party studios without any publisher backing them
Getting some of the old talent from Konami and hiring new talent as well
Investing in new computers and software, establishing pipelines, project management, etc.
Familiarizing themselves with a new engine and toolsets via the Decima Engine thanks to Guerilla Games & Sony (not even sure how Japanese support is with that?)
Getting famous actors on board and do face-scan, voice-acting, mo-cap work, recreate assets from scratch
Be able to make a completely new game with entirely new mechanics and new assets in AAA quality (obviously with support by Guerilla Games and others)
Do all the above in the span of 48 months
Compare this with how much money and time have been spent on establishing new studios and getting high quality games out the door by the likes of Bioware Montreal, EA Motive, WB Montreal, Amazon's Lumberyard game studios, Google's Stadia efforts, 343 Industries' continuing struggles, and so on. With AAA games taking up almost 5-6 years by already established studios, I don't know what type of magic (or labor?) all the talented people at Kojima Productions put into developing Death Stranding.
When you consider how many struggles and difficulty you see so many publishers are having with establishing new AAA studios and getting out games, it's astonishing what Kojima & Co. achieved, imo, in the span of under 4 years. The project management appeared to be crazy effective.
Na to sve, Death Stranding je izišao kao jedna od najispoliranijih igara ikad, besprijekorno optimizirana, čak i PC verzija je pohvaljena na sve strane, za razliku od debakla kakvog je zadesio Horizon za PC, a što je najsmješnije građene na istom engineu.
Da ne govorim u današnjem svijetu gdje bi se već čulo kako su teški uslovi rada u određenim studijima, kod njega nema apsolutno ništa.
Plus Kojima nema nikakve veze sa ovim vijestima, osim što je (bio) nadređeni ovom kompozitoru. Ali hajmo realno, kada si takva ikona, uvijek postoje stranke koje će ga prezirati bez obzira na situaciju, pa makar on izbacio danas tweet kako je lijepo vrijeme, vjerovatno bi bilo komentara kako treba nestati i da je fejker.