Nisam igrao ovu ''igru'', ali sam na chanu pročitao interesantnu analizu igre. Koliko je toga od navedenog točno?Spoiler, očito:>niggers everywhere>main revolutionary is a half-nigger>his gf is a racemixing spic>all white guys are either drunks, abusers, perverts, bullies, betas/cucks or otherwise oppressors>more niggers>if main white android decides to join the revolution, he becomes a cuck and takes orders from racemixers>holocaust re-enactment (don't forget the 6 gorillion, goy)>even more niggers>alice is clearly modeled after anne frank>kara's bull is that nigger from the green mile>hillary is president>drunk cop's boss is an uncle tom>androids refugee/migrant crisis/illegally hopping into canada (some turn out to be scientists and engineers)>main AI professor is a negress that looks like she came straight out of some jungle in africa