Continuing from Dream Drop Distance, Sora, Donald and Goofy will attempt to search for seven guardians of light and the "Key to Return Hearts", while King Mickey and Riku search for previous Keyblade wielders, in an attempt to stop Master Xehanort's plan to balance the light and darkness, which may ultimately lead to the final showdown between Sora and Master Xehanort. By the start of the game, Sora has completed his Mark of Mastery, which he was attempting to do at the end of Dream Drop Distance.
Kingdom Hearts III will serve as the final chapter of the "Dark Seeker" saga, with Nomura revealing that the plot of the game will pick up "immediately after the events of Dream Drop Distance." He also added that the plot will examine the seven lights and thirteen darknesses coming together for the final battle, but that everyone that is expected to fulfill these roles may not.
Developer(s) Square Enix 1st Production Department
Publisher(s) Square Enix
Distributor(s) Disney Interactive Studios
Director(s) Tetsuya Nomura, Tai Yasue
Composer(s) Yoko Shimomura
Engine Unreal Engine 4
Platform(s) PlayStation 4, Xbox One
The game will feature new and familiar worlds based on Disney properties, including ones based on Tangled and Hercules.
KINGDOM HEARTS III -- Announcement Trailer (North America)
Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer, E3 2015
Kingdom Hearts 3
Woooow!! Prodano!! Ovo je predivnooo!
Poslano sa S6 kante
Art je perfekcija, vrhunski izgleda.
Predobro nesto.
predugo ovo cekam,ima da valja :)
Ajme ova zadnja slika nesto predivno. Ali igra jednako dobro zvuci kao sto i izgleda ( to progovara Shimomura fanboy u meni)
Nastavak igre serijalu koji je doprinio jednoj standardnoj bajkovitoj prici jrpg-ova ukljucujuci Dysney i Soft/Enix likove, te razvio dinamican akcijski sustav borbe. Nakon predenih KH1, KH2, KH: CoM i Birth By Sleep, dugo sam ocekivao najavu ove igre i konacno je ovdje. Ocekujem jednu velicanstvenu avantru Sore i njegovih pomagaca, te i zakljucak na serijal.Po osobnoj skali rangiranja kvalitete redoslijed bi bio ovaj:KH1>KH2>KH CoM>Birth by Sleep
Uređen prvi post, postepeno će se dodavati materijal kako budu izlazile nove informacije.
When KINGDOM HEARTS III was presented at E3 2013, there was tremendous excitement. This E3, it looks like KINGDOM HEARTS III has been making several updates.
In regards to supplementing the gameplay, we have removed the Reaction Commands in KINGDOM HEARTS III. QTE (Quick Time Event. Actions that execute at the touch of a button according to when it displays on screen) isn’t there anymore. For people who have seen the “flashy” battles in KINGDOM HEARTS II, it felt like there were too many of them when doing these operations.
Are there no longer Reaction Commands in boss battles?
That’s right. While removing the elements of QTE in KINGDOM HEARTS III, being referred to as flashy battles, we are making it more challenging. All actions will be based on good or favorable timing.
The battle system doesn’t use deck commands like Birth by Sleep, but rather classic commands like “Attack” and “Magic.”
Free run is being implemented this time, so Sora’s mobility is a bit out of the ordinary.
Beyond jumping and running, this likely consists of things like wall running and jumping, etc.
With the exception of Olympus, most of the worlds in the game are brand new. The Tangled world was revealed at E3.
Xehanort’s story will come to an end in Kingdom Hearts III, but the Kingdom Hearts series is not finished.
(Rather, Kingdom Hearts III brings to an end the “Dark Seeker” chapter of the series.)
A plan has already been decided regarding the whereabouts of some of the characters fans might be concerned about.
Nomura says he wouldn’t want to do something so disappointing as just settling things.
A landing point for the release window has been decided, but they can’t say anything yet.
The latest news is promised for the D23 Expo Japan Kingdom Hearts fan event on November 3.
Development is on track. Things like secret movies are also under consideration.
In the Hall D23 presentation on Sunday, August 16, at 11 a.m., fans won’t want to miss never-before-seen gameplay, trailers, new reveals, and surprises from Disney Interactive’s most anticipated games. Among the games participating in the presentation are: Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, Star Wars™ Battlefront™ from Electronic Arts, and KINGDOM HEARTS III from Square Enix. Disney Interactive will showcase more Star Wars characters and Play Sets new to Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition and provide the entire audience with limited-edition giveaways exclusively for Hall D23. Electronic Arts will give guests an in-depth look at Star Wars Battlefront, the authentic Star Wars gaming experience coming November 17. Square Enix will also bring special guests and surprises to Hall D23 to reveal new information from KINGDOM HEARTS III.
probao sam igrat prvi i drugi nastavak, vrlo kratko.
nikako nisam mogao progutat činjenicu da se glavni lik bori - KLJUČEM.
Pa baš odskače od klišea ;D.