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Armature Studio's game director, Mark Pacini (whose studio is working with Inafune), reveals the main character of ReCore is called Jewel, while the robot companion--who starts off as a dog--is called Mack.
The two have a special relationship as Mack finds Jewel at the start of the game, and is part of a faction trying to help you bring back humanity to the planet. A separate faction of robots, meanwhile, is trying to stop Jewel and Mack from making this happen.
"One of the big features of this game is that the scenery completely changes after a sandstorm," Inafune adds. " actually affects the maps in the gameplay."
Continuing, Inafune reveals that ReCore takes place in a world populated by very few humans, which means Jewel has mostly been by herself throughout her life, with the exception of her robot companion.
"As you continue on this adventure you are going to meet other companions, as well as enemies. The game's main theme focuses on how she is going to survive in this world," adds Pacini.
He continues: "The relationship between the friendly robots in the game and the enemy robots in the game, they get more volatile and deadlier as you go underground and find these areas. That's where all the good stuff is, and that's what you're trying to explore."
Central to ReCore is the ability to remove Mack's core and transfer his consciousness to another robot.
Inafune explains: "During the fight with the robots Mack was defeated, but his core remained. Mack's consciousness still remains in the core and by implanting the core into another robot ... Mack will live on in another form.
"This is a very epic story full of mystery and adventure. As I said, robots play a very important role in this adventure, and there will be many more robots that will lead to a rich experience. There will also be many other companion robots you can partner with, and each of the different robots will lead to unique adventures."