- Uređivano
Developer : Guerilla Games
Izlazak : TBA 2016.
Žanr : RPG
Očekuje se prvi prikaz na ovogdišnjem E3 na Sonyevoj konfi. Onda bumo znali malo više. A evo koncept artova i nekoliko zanimljivosti o igri :- Red-haired female protagonist- 3rd person open world- Maybe it will have co-op- John Gonzales (Lead Writer for Fallout: New Vegas) and dialog writer who previously worked on Shadow of Mordor ( Nemesis system ) joined the writing team ( https://nl.linkedin.com/in/johnrgonzalez )- They hired CD Projekt Red quest designers and other experienced RPG developers- Lead cinematic artist/cinematic director of The Witcher 3 - A freelance writer from Blizzard joined the GG- A game designer who worked on Elder Scrolls Online joined the GG- And several creature artists and game designers who worked on Medieval RPGs - in size and scope it will be comparable to Witcher 3There's a "full climbing and traversal system" says Jan, "you can climb up mountains, climb into trees, swim through rivers". Useful if you want to flee the robots instead of fight.The game will have some sort of online component according to Jan. "The core of the game is a single player experience, but there are certain social features in there".Hunting isn't the only option with robots, although "the other interactions you can have something we’re not going into yet". When asked directly if you could get on a large plate-headed robot's head, Jan answered, "that is something you will see later".http://www.gamesradar.com/horizon-robot-dinosaur-rpg-details/Sa press releasea nakon E3 : -day/night cycle-weather systems-Monster Hunter gameplay aspects-stealth-Enslaved/ Dark Earth/Turok vibe-tribes and factions (which leads me to believe there will be human vs human combat)E3 :Best Original GameHorizon Zero Dawn(Guerrilla Games/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 4)