1.) Mortal Kombat X (PS4, Xbox One)
2.) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, Xbox One, PC, 360, PS3)
3.) Battlefield: Hardline (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
4.) MLB 15: The Show (PS4, PS3)
5.) Minecraft (360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4)
6.) NBA 2K15 (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
7.) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
8.) Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9.) Super Smash Bros. (3DS, Wii U)
10.) Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PS4, Xbox One)
Mortal Kombat X se prodao u preko 1. 25 milju primjeraka. Skoro 60% prodaje otpada na PS4. Dark Souls 2 oko 105 000 ( 51% na PS4, 42% Xbone ).
Bloodborne se prodao preko 80k primjeraka, dosad ukupno prodano oko pola milje u US. Xenoblade X za Wii U oko 70k.
Konzole :
Xbone - ~187k
PS4 - ~ 174k
Wii U - ~ 43k
Yep, neočekivano dobio Xbone za siću il kak bi Xbox osnivač rekel : "by a nose" 8) Razlog je trade-in trgovanje. Za PS3 il X360 su nudili i do 125$, odnosno 175$ popusta u Gamestopu il Best Buy-u. Hm... budući da su bili takvi popusti, očekival sem da se bu Xbone prodal više sa takvim popustom, dok je PS4 i dalje u ful cijeni. Inače slab mjesec ( ko i svake godine ).

MS-ov i Sonyev PR :
"As the best-selling console in the U.S. in April, fans set record April sales and engagement for Xbox One last month,” Xbox marketing boss Mike Nichols said. “Xbox One console sales in the U.S. increased 63 percent in April 2015 compared to April 2014 and Xbox Live comparisons showed the number of active global users grew 24 percent. We are grateful to our fans for their passion and support and are looking forward to sharing more on the best game lineup in Xbox history at E3.”
“We would like to thank fans around the world for their continued support of the PS4,” a Sony spokesperson said. “According to NPD, PlayStation continues to lead software sales for April 2015 and PS4 remains the cumulative sales leader in the US. We are looking forward to an amazing E3.”