ibor4you Release Date: TBC Genre: Action Publisher: SCEE Developer: HousemarqueAllied Forces have come across violent specimens ranging from human-like foot soldiers to extraterrestrial flesh mountains, and while they are spreading across all corners of the earth, their focus is clearly to gather at strategic military locations away from populated areas. We’ve met them in all weather conditions and even in the darkest winter nights the hostiles do not relent for a second. The only way to defeat the enemy is with uncanny tactics combined with superior firepower. Customizing your character layouts will give you and your team a distinct advantage over the beasts from beyond. Many soldiers have returned from the field in a body bag after heading out with too much confidence. The run-and-gun strategy will get you a few victories, but it will not win the war. Coordination and building trust with your teammates will ultimately be the difference between life and death. This trial will not be an easy one, but let’s make sure that the slimebags know that they have come to the wrong planet.* Pre Alpha Gameplay *- (1080p / 60 fps)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mdOenHiT8c
fan-of-war Malo me zabrinjava sto izgleda prekaoticno,vise volim takticki,sporiji pristup Dead Nationa.Valjda ce ispasti dobro.
ThaUrban Najjače mi je kad želim nešto napisati i onda pročitam da je netko već napisao. Lookin' at you Icek Izgleda oke, neznam baš dal bi kupio, vidjet ćemo.
emilijo 26.4.2016. je datum izlaska + novi trailer https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2016/03/08/alienation-release-date-announced-new-trailer-debuts-2/
Chaky Kaos!Fluorescentne boje po svuda.Na 1 eksplozije (valjda bombardiranje iz zraka) prekrivaju u jednom trenutku igrace.Ali djeluje zabavno na tragu Helldiversa, Dead Nationa i slicnih uradaka.
emilijo Nakon 14 recenzija Alenation drzi prosjek ocjena od 80 na metacriticu.http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/alienation/critic-reviews
emilijo odlicno,ajmo Sooony!Prva polovica 2016. izgleda odlicno:Firewatch - 76Witness - 87Salt and Sanctuary - 85Street Fighter V - 77Ratchet & Clank - 86MLB The Show 16 - 84Alienation - 80Uncharted 4: A Thief's EndShadow of the BeastNo Man's SkyStar Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
viper89 "odlična" a nijedna 90+ igra. Unch 4 ce tek to ispravit.btw cemu nabrajas ove multiplafrom igre poput firewatch, witness i SFV..
fan-of-war "odlična" a nijedna 90+ igra. Unch 4 ce tek to ispravit.btw cemu nabrajas ove multiplafrom igre poput firewatch, witness i SFV..Konzolaske ekskluzive(izaslo za PS4 i PC);Od Uncharteda ocekujem 95+ metacritic