Interface is coming along!
Hello all, welcome to this new update! Lately I’ve been hard at work on the UI side of the game. Which comprises the inventory, the 2D interactions with the world, textual feedback, etc…
For example in this animated picture you can see Tilo looting the contents of a chest. As a player you can choose which item you want to take or you can take everything in one go.

You’ll also notice that the chest remains slightly ajar when Tilo’s done, which is a visual indication (useful at a distance) that this container has been emptied. This way if you don’t remember you looted the chest you don’t need to come and check again. The mention “(empty)” is also added so there’s no confusion as to why you can’t access the contents anymore.
And here is the way Tilo can switch his currently equipped item on the fly. Note that you can also equip items from within the inventory of course but this is a much more direct way to do so.

I have also finalized the quest system! I’ve looked long and hard at using an existing Unity quest manager asset but I finally opted for writing one from scratch (which took me a couple of days). This way I’m sure it’s an exact fit for the game.
The inventory itself is not 100% finalized yet (there are still some data to fit in there) but it’s really exciting to see all of it coming together. It looks and feels like a proper game and as a result Tilo is more of an actor and less of a witness now.
Finally, on a totally different topic I feel the need to address the fact that the game is going to be one year late of what I thought when I did the Indiegogo campaign (it’s been 2 years to the month since the campaign ended).
As you all know it has been a learning process for me but I assure you I do work very hard each and every day (the concept of week-end seems like a nice memory). Thankfully all of you are supportive and follow closely the game’s development. And I just want to express my gratitude for this rather mature behavior. It is rare enough on the internet to be appreciated as such!