"Did I ever tell you the definition, of downgrading?.. Downgrading is, doing, the exact same fucking game, over and over again, expecting shit to improve. That is downgrade. The first time a experienced gamer told me that, I thought he was bullshitting me so, BOOM, I bought the game and told him to go fuck himself. The thing is... he was right.. and then I see Ubisoft, doing the same game, over and over and over again.. Thinking, this time there'll be better textures no, no, no no no please, this time we'll have better models. Sorry, I don't like.. the way.. YOU ARE READING THIS COMMENT. YOU HAVE A DAMN READING PROBLEM IN YOUR HEAD, YOU THINK I'M BULLSHITTING YOU, DO YOU THINK I'M LYING- SCREW YOU, OK, SCREW YOU! It's ok man, I'm gonna chill, hermano, I'm gonna chill, the thing is, alright-the thing is.. I already pre-purchased the game.. And it's not like I'm a fucking console peasant.. It's ok... *whispers* It's like water under the bridge... Did I ever tell you.. the definition... of downgrading?"