There’s a certain humour to be found here, and while not everyone will appreciate it, it’s definitely there. With Batman Arkham Knight being a hugely anticipated game, fans the world over were frustrated by the game’s numerous delays, but they understood the necessity of them. Now, even new trailers for the game are being delayed.
Speaking by way of his personal Twitter feed, Sefton Hill, the Game Director and co-founder of RocksteadyGames, has said, “So I promised a trailer date this week but then we thought of a much more exciting way to do this so you’ll need to wait just a bit longer.”
He then added, “Not to rub it in but I reviewed the latest edit and it’s looking sweet. You might well see someone familiar from Arkham City in there.” This threw fans into another speculation frenzy with popular opinions on who it may be, namely Calander Man and Catwoman.
Finally, Sefton said, “The trailer also shows off a very cool new feature to Batman Arkham that no one outside of Rocksteady / Warner has seen before!” This is without a doubt the most important thing he’s mentioned recently. What does it mean? What could the possibly still be hiding at this point? I guess you’re gonna have to wait.