Blitz Developer: DICEIzdavac: EADatum izlaska: 20.09.2015Platforme: PC, PS4 & X1
megatama E ovoj se igri tako veselim.....zadnji put sam se tako veselio jednom SW naslovu u doba Nintenda 64 radilo se o Shadow Of The Empire...valjda sam dobro napisao :)
chono7 17. 4. ce biti prikazan gameplay! Izvori govore da igra izgleda bolesno i da su najavili velike stvari, tipa borba u svemiru i mogucnost slijetanja i nastavka borbe na planetu.
Blitz Bas vidija neke tweetove od Tiduxa, zvuci malo senzacionalisticki no ako cemo mu vjerovat bit ce poprilicno, epic. Jedva cekam...Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.
viper89 PS2MASTER toliko o tome da su sklopili deal sa Sonyem za SW
PS2MASTER viper89 PS2MASTER toliko o tome da su sklopili deal sa Sonyem za SW prvo, EA Access je EA-ov servis, ne Microsoftov, tako da EA more delat ke oće. Sony ima marketing sa Hardlineom, pa je prvo pojavil se, pazi ovo, na EA Accessu koji je EA-ov servis. Go figure!
PS2MASTER Blitz viper89 Lažnjaki!
viper89 Pa znam da su fake , odmah je blitz rekao gore Third person je defaultna camera.In addition, NeoGAF user yohan12, who signed a non-disclosure agreement with Electronic Arts, revealed that Star Wars Battlefront will feature both first-person and third-person perspectives, with third-person being the default.
viper89 Star Wars Battlefront artwork leaks from Star Wars Celebration show floorrender in-game assets
PS2MASTER Reklamni materijal ( al nebi bil loš cover ) i naravno LAŽNJAK!Vostalom, PlayStation America će biti prisutna na Eventu.
PS2MASTER viper89 From the PlayStation Latin American Twitter account:"We are also fans. PlayStation brings you all the latest news from #StarWarsCelebration here. #SWCA
viper89 Sutra ce biti brutala.DICE don't fail us!"The latest news and updates for Star Wars™ Battlefront . Available November 17, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC."
PS2MASTER Evo i teaser filma No. 2 :