Ovaj dio će biti u igri? Gameplay iz bolnice šta je izašao početkom 2013. Niko niš ne priča o tome, pa se nadam da nisu izbacili jer želim to vidjeti iz prve ruke.
Naravno da ce biti
Kraj igre
The guide states that at the end of The Phantom Pain, the parasite that mutates peoples' vocal chords infects Mother Base. This forces Big Boss to exterminate his soldiers to prevent a global catastrophe.
He continues by saying that although he takes on this responsibility without any apparent remorse, it's impossible from him to ignore the that he has contributed to these events. This causes him to unleash his "inner demon".
The guide states Big Boss becomes the antagonist gradually, slowly consumed by what happens to him until all that is left is his obsession.
After these events, Big Boss is more determined than ever to reinforce his troops, with the aim of forming a nation free from the governments' hegemony, a dream he will be on the verge of realising in the 1990's.