istu stvar sam i ja imao, slao sam mail supportu, evo sta su mi odgovorili
Hi xy,
Thank you for your e-mail about your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) account - your reference number is .
From your e-mail I can see you are experiencing difficulty funding the wallet on your SEN account. Please try removing all your billing information for 48 hours, and then try again. If this does not solve the issue I would recommend you to get in touch with your bank.
To make sure that your credit/debit card is added to your account correctly, please ensure that:
• The billing details entered on your Sony Entertainment Network account exactly match the details as they appear on your credit or debit card, including the cardholder’s name, address, expiry date and security code (CVC/CVV)
• The card was issued in the country that your SEN account is registered to.
• Your card issuer has not put any restrictions in place for online transaction on your account.
If you've tried to add one or more cards to your SEN account unsuccessfully a number of times within a 24 hour period, our system will automatically reject any further attempts to add a credit/debit card. In this case, please wait 48 hrs before trying again to add your card.
If you wish to top up immediately you may wish to consider adding funds to your SEN account using a different payment method. It's now possible to purchase "top up" style cards from retailers. More information on PSN Cards can be found here.
Also, for a complete list of accepted payment methods in your country please refer to our Support pages:
If the issue persists, you can contact us by phone so we can investigate further. Please note that we will most likely not be able to resolve this over the phone, so while we investigate you may wish to purchase PlayStation Network (PSN) cards for funding your wallet and/or subscribing to PlayStation Plus.
I hope this helps, but if you have any other questions please contact PlayStation Support using the contact details below or by replying to this e-mail. Quote and one of our team will be happy to help you.
Thank you,
PlayStation Support
eh sanna, tugo mojih dana...
uglavnom,nakon sto nisam uspio s nijednom od tih metoda, otisao sam fino na, i onda tamo kupio 50 $ psn code koji ti dođe na mail/amazon library, unio ga na acc i sve bez problema.
Najsmjesnije je sto sam na americkom amazonu, sa skroz fiktivnom billing adresom u Los Angelesu i karticom izdanom od privredne banke zagreb uspio obaviti kupovinu, dok na hrvatskom psn servisu ta ista kartica nije bila prepoznata. Probao sam i drugu karticu, od druge banke ( erste ) i ni ona nije radila.
Kaj je najgore citam prosli tjedan po njihovim forumima, ljudi se zale da su napravili preorder neke igre, loadali ju i onda ih na dan izlaska sistem trazi da ponovo kupe.
Sramota za jednu takvu korporaciju, jako im se srozala kvaliteta usluge unazad zadnjih godinu i pol, i što se tiče PS plusa i ovakvih stvari i grešaka.