Ovo je vjerojatno najgori port u zadnje 2 godine.
Nema to veze sa portom ak igra radi dobro ( kolko tolko ) na AMD-ovim karticama, jel. UWP je glavni problem i njegove limitacije :
Quantum Break has arrived on the PC and to suggest that the results are disappointing would be a massive understatement. PC gamers are left out in the cold with another high profile release failing to deliver expected levels of performance, features and customisation. As things stand, it simply isn't possible to achieve a smooth frame-rate on any PC hardware configuration and thanks to the profound limitations imposed on gamers by the Universal Windows Platform, there's no way to fix it.
Kakve limitacije? To su mi najbolji postovi na netu. Nije do porta, nego do windowsa. Zbog čega, kako, gdje, zašto? Takvih odgovora nema. I igra je govno i na AMDu i na Nvidiji by the way. A igra je govno i općenito, ne samo tehnički.