Andrew House:
"I saw some data that really influenced me. It suggested that there's a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that's obviously where it's to be had. We wanted to keep those people within our ecosystem by giving them the very best and very highest . So the net result of those thoughts was PlayStation 4 Pro--and, by and large, a graphical approach to game improvement."
Znaci plan Sonya je zadrzati igrace na PlayStationu da ne odu na PC pred kraj generacije? Kakva gomila gluposti! Sve prsti od PS igraca koji migriraju na PC! Ovako lame izgovor za izdavanje Pro nisam jos cuo. Reci da si izdao Pro da zaradis jos love iz ovog builda i ovakve konfiguracije, a ne prodavat neke storije..
Ja sam misljenja da vecina PS igraca ne brine oko grafike, hdra, 4k ili ostalih tech stvari. Ima odredena grupa (ukupno velika s obzirom na PS zajednicu) koja voli te stvari i kupit ce Pro, ali sveukupno vecina PS igraca nece prelazit na PC jer PS4 vrti 30fpsa i ima "samo" full HD rezoluciju.