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Po izjavi Thuwaya, Sony Bend radi na open-world horror igri - bez zombija.
Watch Dogs se prodao u 4 milje primjeraka u prvih 7 dana.
Oko 50% prodaje otpada na PS4 ( zasad samo za UK ).
Smgh.. Naughty Dog zaposlio 7 developera :
Paul Fox – Dialog Supervisor, previously worked at Warner Bros. and SCEA.
Jonathan Cooper – Animator, previously worked at Ubisoft Montreal, Bioware and Eidos Montreal.
Nicolas Collings – Senior Character Artist, previously worked at Blur, Ubisoft Montreal and Larian Studios.
Richard Lyons – Concept Artist, previously worked at Crytek, Vigil Games and Krome Studios.
Andres Ortiz – UI Scripter, previously worked at Kin Valley.
Ramy El-Garawany – Graphics Programmer, previously worked at EA Canada.
Ming-Lun “Allen” Chou – Game Developer, previously worked at Uber Entertainment.
Uncharted 3 SP besplatan za sve PSN korisnike u NA/EU regiji :
EDIT 2 : bila je greška. Ko je skinul, skinul je.
Lista igara koje će biti na Sonyevom štandu i ima ih poprilično :
Evo razvrstano :
PS4 :
Assault Android Cactus
Axiom Verge
The Binding of Issac: Rebirth
Diablo III: The Ultimate Evil Edition
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn
GALAK-Z: The Dimensional
Guilty Gear Xrd
Jamestown Plus
Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Night in the Woods
Nuclear Throne
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
Planetside 2
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
Project CARS
Road Not Taken
Samurai Warriors 4
Secret Ponchos
Shadow Warrior
The Crew
The Golf Club
The Order: 1886
EA Sports UFC
Valiant Hearts
Velocity 2X
PS Vita:
Akiba’s Trip Undead & Undressed
Big Fest
Danganronpa 2
Disgaea 4
Freedom Wars
Gravity Crash Ultra
Gunship X
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hyper Light Drifter
Invizimals: The Alliance
Legend of Raven
Murasaki Baby
One Way Trip
PS Vita Pets
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
Race the Sun
Rogue Legacy
Super Exploding Zoo
Switch Galaxy Ultra
To Leave
Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead Table Pack
Aaru’s Awakening
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
Persona 4: Arena Ultimax
Starwhal: Just the Tip
Tales of Xillia 2
The Swapper
Multiple Platforms:
MLB 14 The Show
F2P igra Loadout dolazi na PS4
F2P igra Loadout dolazi na PS4Bit će ovo dobra F2P igra.
Night in the woods
Skoro sam se ugusio napolitankom Zbljuv Radije neka naprave XII HD remake, gamad pohlepna >:(
Icek , velika je slika. Jesi scrollao u desno?
Nisam Opet jedem napolitanke i zagrcnuh se opet. Ovo je sluzbeno ili trac?
Nisam Opet jedem napolitanke i zagrcnuh se opet. Ovo je sluzbeno ili trac?Glasina za sad.
Ukoliko je to tocno, to ce biti najvaznija gaming vijest u posljednjih nekoliko godina.
Ukoliko je fake , treba Permabanat Mastera jer siri krive insajderske informacije xD
Ukoliko je fake , treba Permabanat Mastera jer siri krive insajderske informacije xD
O da. Budemo, bez brige.
Ukoliko je fake , treba Permabanat Mastera jer siri krive insajderske informacije xDI tebe sa Reboota jer si i tam prenio vest. :)
Znas da je šala samo ? :)
Zanimljiva vijest. ;)
Znas da je šala samo ? :)Ne. Letim ja, letiš i ti. ;D
Tko leti, vrijedi, tko vrijedi, leti, tko ne leti, ne vrijedi.