- Uređivano
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Vodič do platine
Prosječno vrijeme za platinu: 10h za kampanju, za co-op trofeje još ne znamo
Predviđena težina: 3/10
Online trofeji: 7
Missable trofeji: ništa, chapter select
Glitched trofeji: nijedan
Utjecaj odabira težine na trofeje: Morate prijeći na veteranskoj težini
Minimalno prelazaka: Jedan i pol ( jedan na veteranskoj i dalje recruit za čišćenje po poglavljima)
Crossbuy - Da, dobije se i PS4 i PS5 verzija
Autopop - autopopa nema i tako to mora da bude
Za sve vas koji će loviti platinu u novom Call of Dutyu ispod su svi vodiči za trofeje osim onih za co-op koji će biti dostupni tek u petak. Slobodno postavite pitanja u komentarima.
Shoot three enemies while underwater in 'Wetwork'.
Must be Wind
Rescue the hostages in 'Countdown' without the enemies firing their weapons.
Finish 'Alone' without firing a gun.
Test Drive
Drive five vehicle types in 'Violence and Timing'.
Reach the penthouse in 'El Sin Nombre' without killing anyone or triggering the alarm.
Don’t touch the deck!
In 'Dark Water' advance 90 meters towards the front of the ship without touching the deck.
Keeping this One
Reach Price using the first vehicle you hijack.
Gentleman Thief
Open three safes in the Campaign.
Wall of Duty
Kill three Enemies with the Riot Shield in the Campaign or in Co-op.
While affected by one Flashbang, kill two enemies in the Campaign or in Co-op.
Practice makes
Perfect Shoot all the targets in the training area in 'Ghost Team'.
A Crappy Way to Die
Kill the enemy in the porta-potty.
Reach the barge without being seen in 'Wetwork'.
No time to lose
Complete the CCTV sequence in four minutes.
Backpack Guy
Kill gassed or blinded enemies using a Molotov, Semtex and Frag in 'Prison Break'. https://youtu.be/qr3_DWOVNOU
Cutting Heads off Snakes
Finish all Campaign missions on Veteran or Realism difficulty.
Time for Pints
Finish the Campaign on any difficulty.
Nobody was There
Never trigger the alarm in 'Recon by Fire'.