Black Friday Football Fever
Black Friday means that week 48, 2015 entertainment software is up +60% units over week 47, 2015 and +32% by revenue.
These are higher increases than last year over the same 2 weeks, but actual software units and revenue on week 48, 2015 vs week 48, 2014 are lower this year (-9% units / -10% revenue). Not so for consoles themselves, with more sold in week 48, 2015 than the equivalent week last year (+8%). From the total number of consoles sold in week 48, 2014, PS4/Xbox One accounted for 75%. But this week 48, 2015 that has risen to 86%. This also helps to explain why PS4 and Xbox One software units in week 48, 2015 are higher than any other week and they take around 74% of all entertainment software units – this time last year these 2 formats took only 46% as PS3/360 still commanded over 30% of units.Week 48, 2015 is one of only 9 weeks so far with over 70% PS4 & Xbox One combined share of total entertainment software units.
Black Friday has a huge effect on the All Formats Chart this week, propelling EA’s ‘FIFA 16’ up 3 places and back to the top after a 6 week break from the No1 spot, thanks to a wide range of hard and soft bundles (+254%). Activision’s ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops III’ remains at No2 with sales up 47% over last week for similar reasons to FIFA above. Last week’s No1, EA’s ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ drops to No3 but sales are only down -52% (rather than a more typical -70% over week 1 for a major release). Bethesda’s third week on chart for ‘Fallout 4’ sees the title dropping 1 place to No4, but sales climb +8%. There are no new releases in the Top 40, but the chart is littered with titles that have re-entered or risen impressively from Black Friday hardware bundles or simply from Black Friday software discounting, some of which are as follows: Climbing 19 places to No5 is Sony’s PS4 ‘Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection’ (+999%), Rockstar/Take 2’s ‘GTA V’ rises 6 places at No6 (+385%), No8 and up 3 places is ‘Halo 5’ (+195%), No10 and up 10 places is ‘Forza 6’ (+381%), No12 and up 7 places is ‘Disney Infinity 3’ (+281%), No15 and up 19 places is ‘LEGO Marvel Superheroes’ (+541%). Big re-entries are all previous chart toppers, such as ‘The Last of Us: Remastered’ at No21, ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ at No23, ‘Until Dawn’ at No24 and ‘The Witcher III’ at No28.
Individualna lista :
Svi formati :
Malo je kasnio izvještaj ovih dana. Ne znam. Valjda su zbrajali prihod od prodaje tekom Crnog Petka.
Kak piše, prodaja igara je pala za nekih 10% naspram istog razdoblja lani, dok je prodaja konzola porasla. PS4 se prodao u 139 000, Xbone 134 000 tokom prošlog tjedna ( ). Prodaja softwera je oko 1.8 milja, od toga 74% otpada na PS4/Xbone ( prošle godine 46% ), ostatak je na PS3/X360. :
Konzole :
Week 48, 2014
Xbox One - 108,678
PlayStation 4 - 108,087
Week 48, 2015
PlayStation 4 - 139,000 (+28.6%)
Xbox One - 134,000 (+23.3%)
Igre :
Physical Software Sales by Format (Units)
PlayStation 4 - 1,754,030 (+41.4%)
Xbox One - 1,722,708 (+47.6%)
Xbox 360 - 393,762 (-52.6%)
PlayStation 3 - 196,881 (-58.1%)
Nintendo 3DS - 129,762 (-24.7%)
PC Software - 120,813 (-29.9%)
Nintendo Wii U - 98,440 (+14.3%)
Nintendo Wii - 22,373 (-67.5%)
PlayStation Vita - 17,898 (-65.4%)
Nintendo DS - 8,949 (-81.1%)
FIFA 16 se ponovno vratila. Ni ne čudi to. Igra je dolazila uz mnoge konzole. COD i dalje ne odskače. Kao i Advanced Warfare prošle godine, tako i BO3 ove godine u vrhu. Battlefront je imao jaku prodaju pretprošli tjedan. A prošli tjedan je igra doživila mali pad od 52% ( nekih 160 000 ). Fallout 4 se i dalje prodaje ludo.
Black Ops III
635,000 / NEW
273,050 / 908,050
136,525 / 1,044,575
200,691 / 1,245,266
Advanced Warfare
730,000 / NEW
167,900 / 897,900
99,061 / 996,961
222,887 / 1,219,848
Call of Duty: Ghost
690,000 / NEW
165,600 / 855,600
139,104 / 994,704
185,008 / 1,179,712
Uncharted Collection je doživio ogroman skok od 999% ( LOL, mogli su navuć još taj 1% ), zahvaljujući PS4 bundleu. Tu je još skok u prodaji dobila Forza 6, Halo 5, besmrtni GTA V i drugi naslovi zahvaljujući bundleovima i raznim promocijama. Povratnici u listu The Last Of Us : Remaster, Batman : Arkham Night i Until Dawn. Friški još Assassin's Creed : Syndicate i još friškiji Tomb Raider nisu prošli dobro. I........pogledajte ko se vratio u listu isto nakon dvije godine :