- Uređivano
Iris Fall je puzzle pustolovna igra koja sadrži upečatljive vizualne predmete i čarobnu temu "svjetla i sjene".
Nakon buđenja iz sna, Iris slijedi crnu mačku u trošno kazalište, putujući amo-tamo kroz neobičan labirint svjetla i sjene. Kako se priča razvija, Iris počinje shvaćati da se čini da sve u ovom kazalištu ima neku vrstu skrivene veze sa sobom.
Ovo je stvarno kvalitetna indie igra. Cijena joj je 150.00kn.
Napravio sam kompletan walkthrough igre. Da završite cijelu igru, potrebno vam je oko 4-5 sati
Ništa ne možete izostaviti pošto nakon igre imate mogućnost da birate poglavlja i radite trofeje specifične za određena poglavlja.
Kompletan prelazak igre
02:36 Blurred reality
05:06 Faded theater
07:11 Complete cicuit
10:46 The Next floor
12:54 Good timing
13:29 Clumsy
18:24 Memories
23:11 Observer
26:06 Hallway breeze
26:31 Hey kitty
28:16 Cube master
30:06 Guiding light
32:46 Ink saver
37:16 Quite easily done
38:41 Book lover
44:51 Lingering tune
45:16 Return to reality
51:11 Discovery
56:21 Shadow - ½
01:01:07 Do not pass
01:05:22 True self
01:06:32 Iris Fall
01:06:37 The final audience
Korak 1
Prijeđite igru na svoj način. Igrajte kako želite. Pokušajte sami rješavati zagonetke, pošto su stvarno specifične i jako vizualno primamljive. Veliku većinu trofeja biste trebali otključati putem prvog prelaska igre
Korak 2
Čišćenje trofeja koje niste otključali putem poglavlja.
Iris Fall Trofeji:
The Final Audience
Unlock all Trophies
Faded Theater
Complete Chapter 1
The Next Floor
Complete Chapter 2
Hallway Breeze
Complete Chapter 4
Guiding Light
Complete Chapter 5
Book of Truth
Complete Chapter 6
Return to Reality
Complete Chapter 7
Blurred Reality
Pick up an item in the shadow world.
Complete Circuit
Complete the puzzle without making any circuit mistakes.
Good Timing
Did not reset the clock hands.
Knock over the bucket by the fireplace.
Cover the eyes in the right order without making any mistakes
Hey Kitty
Chase after the resting cat 3 times in the Hall of Many-Doors.
Cube Master
Rotate the cube just 3 times to complete the cube puzzle on the first floor.
Ink Saver
Solve the typewriter puzzle in the Library on the first try.
Quite Easily Done
Solve the huge book projection puzzle in the Library without removing any items from the wheel.
Book Lover
Flip the pages more than 10 times in the Book World.
Lingering Tune
Place the music note more than once in the Book World.
Find the hidden drawings behind the screen.
Do Not Pass
Be blocked by different puppets in the shadow world.