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Evo i liste promjena;
- Encounters abolished
Action gauge implemented – A gauge that builds up with the passage of time that allows you to take action.
Applies to both allies and enemies.
- Gun position revised (damage increased, etc.)
- Skills (Magic Arts, weapons, etc.) changed to time-stopped command selections
- “Emotions” made more clear and effective
- Set stages to changes in “Emotions”
- Level-up system improved
- Sharpness of an effective attack on the enemy improved
- Camera control improved
- Results content and evaluation criteria improved all around
- The generally busy game tempo has been modified to a “Time to Think” game tempo
- Other adjustments to make the game more interesting as an RPG
- Character movement and movement speed improved, key response improved
- Dash implemented
- Guard implemented
- Standard attack button implemented
- Triangle button special attack abolished
- Attack range clarified
- Enemy detection (discovered, undiscovered) clarified
- Skills’ (Magic arts, weapons, etc.) effect target (aimed) and effect range clarified
AI and Party
- Party characters changed from max of three to four
- Direct and simple instruction towards your allies, customize action guidelines, action appeal implemented
- Ally AI improved
- Enemy AI improved
Map and Events
- raps such as landmines enhanced, map actions enhance
- Battlefield sensation enhanced (map effects, NPCs, etc.)
- Item boxes implemented
Supply points implemented
Graphics and Sound
- Visual engine “Gouache” brushed up
- Sound engine brushed up
- Effects brushed up
- Character models brushed up
Options and User Interface
- Options enhanced, key assignment universally improved, battle UI revised
- Mini-map improved, strategy map displayed
- Story event implemented
- More than 10 playable characters implemented
- Difficulty settings implemented
- Army, weapons, and Magic Arts enhancements
- Weapon custom elements and Magic Arts custom elements
- Indoor battles implemented
-Day-to-night change implemented
- BGM switching clarified
- Dandy male character implemented
- Removed Ophelia’s tights